Minho's perspective

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* I only recently found this song, but I've been listening to it while writing this story. The vibes go well.

*If not showing it's Love Letter from the Sea to the Shore: Delaney Bailey

Minho woke up to a numb arm. His eyelids were heavy and dry, refusing to stay open as he tried waking himself up completely. For a moment he couldn't remember where he was, but as soon as he noticed the dresser in front of him covered in decorations, everything was clear once again.

The reason for his numb arm was pressed into his right side, curled in a ball and using his arm as a pillow. Minho took a deep breath, since he forgot to breathe, and shamelessly watched Jisung's sleeping face for a short time. After a small meal and watching another random movie, they'd both fallen asleep, and for Minho it was a dream come true.

From the moment he laid eyes on Jisung, he was.... awestruck, to put it simply. That night, after a particularly frustrating conversation with his father, Minho had decided to wander around just to get out of his apartment. He'd passed the library, and after seeing that it was still open, decided to grab the books he'd been procrastinating on grabbing. Little did he know he would run into the most beautiful omega he'd ever seen.

Minho never thought much about dating. Being a potential heir to a large alpha company made it difficult to find genuine people, and along with that, his father had expectations. According to Mr. Lee, it was only right for Minho and Yu-Mi to marry betas to avoid 'extra distraction' and the risk of producing children 'too early'. Minho knew very well that those were nothing more than excuses. Mr. Lee was not a fan of omegas, and why, it was unclear.

Now that Minho knew Jisung, he realized he wanted to spend all of his time with him, he wanted to get to know him on a deep, intimate level. And he hadn't realized how much he wanted this. Waking up to Jisung buried down in his pile of pillows was now Minho's favorite thing.

It took a lot of willpower, but Minho finally managed to peel himself free. Jisung barely twitched in his sleep, which made the alpha chuckle a little. Who knew this goofball could sleep like the dead.

After running home to brush his teeth and quickly shower, Minho checked on Jisung to find him still passed out, and then he disappeared into the omega's kitchen to make some coffee. As he went, he called Beth and informed her that Jisung was sick and wouldn't be able to come to work.

He was searching through the cupboards so could find something for breakfast when Jisung's scent filled the room. He glanced over his shoulder to see the omega leaning against the wall squinting tiredly through his glasses and fluffing up his messy hair. Minho felt himself melting at the sight, and he quickly turned back to his task. "Morning, Hannie."

A pause of silence. "Is it morning or is it closer to afternoon?"

Minho tried not to react to Jisung's deep sleepy voice, and he checked his phone. "It's just past ten, it's still morning. How are you feeling?"

Jisung shuffled into the kitchen and propped himself on one of his stools. He fidgeted with the Halloween lights strung along the edge. "I'm still in pain, but it's at least bearable this time."

Minho turned around and reached over the counter, lightly touching the back of his hand to Jisung's forehead, and then his cheek. "Your fever doesn't seem too bad. Hopefully you're done with the worst of it."

"I really hope so. I hate feeling so... out of it." Jisung was still staring at the Halloween lights. "Minho... Thank you for last night. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"You don't have to repay me, your thanks is all I need." Minho turned back to his task. "Want any coffee? Breakfast?"

"I don't have much of an appetite. I'll just make myself some cocoa."

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