VI. The Hangover

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I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and a strong desire to puke. After vomiting last night's alcohol and jalapeño poppers into the toilet, I hopped into the shower. Twenty minutes later, I emerged clean, even if I was still dehydrated and suffering from head throbbing and nausea. I quickly changed into a pair of gym shorts and a tank top and made my way to the kitchen. On my way there, I tripped over Mr. Sangster, who was sprawled out on the floor. He was, of course, a little shocked at being woken up in such an unpleasant manner and hissed loudly. I mean, it sucked a bit more for me, as I was not planning on faceplanting the carpet today.

"Ow, what the fuck?" I groaned, rolling over. "Why are you in my house?"

Mr. Sangster quickly got up to help me, offering his hand. "You and Carter were pretty drunk last night. I wanted to make sure you'd be okay."

"Oh. Oh no. Carter. Um, don't wake him up, just give me time to, uh...I don't know, just leave him alone. Coffee? Tea? Juice?" I rubbed my forehead and grimaced, last night's memories flooding back to me.

"I could use a good coffee right now, thanks." He ran his hand through his quite disheveled hair and looked around awkwardly.

I stumbled past him, into the kitchen. Shit. I kissed Carter. Carter and I made out. Thoughts of panic raced through my head while I hurried with the coffee for Mr. Sangster, making myself some tea instead.

"Do you need help with anything?" Mr. Sangster asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Thank you, Mr. Sangster, I should be alright." I pulled out a pan for hash browns and eggs.

"Please, let me make breakfast. You must have quite the hangover. And uh, call me Thomas."

I sighed, stopping my movements as he reached around me to grab the egg carton from my hands. "Mr. Sangster, I-"


I glared at him for a second, him staring right back with determination. "Fine." I grumbled, sitting down on a bar stool. I watched him as he cooked, sipping my tea. He looked strangely at ease in the kitchen, which wasn't something I'd expect from a wealthy heir to the hotel. I took the time to notice his features. His slight chin, slender build, messy light hair. Certainly the exact opposite of Carter, whom I might have slept with last night had it not been for Thomas. Thank god he showed up.

Exactly on cue, he faced me and grinned. "So what's up with you and the chauffeur?"

I buried my face in my hands, groaning. "Oh lord. I don't know. I'd never thought of him as...well, anything. I don't know what happened last night. This is so embarrassing."

"Well, I have to say, it was kind of a surprise walking in on that."

"Why where you even at McGat's?"

"I didn't feel like staying at the hotel and the girl at the desk recommended it." He shrugged, shifting his weight off of the counter to flip the eggs.

"Point her out to me tomorrow so I can fire her." I joked.

"Hey, at least you didn't end up doing anything you'd regret."

"I wouldn't say that. Unfortunately you didn't get there soon enough. Thanks, by the way, for stopping us."

"I'm not really a firm believer in drunk sex. It never turns out well." He shrugged. Suddenly, a loud retching noise came from the bathroom. I eyed Thomas and sighed, crossing my arms. "Do you wanna help him or should I?" He asked.

"I'll go." I sighed, hopping off of my seat and trudging to the bathroom. "Hey buddy." I said, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom as Carter sat back against the wall, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"Uh, hey. Listen, I-"

"Can we talk about this later?" I interrupted. "It's just, Thomas is out in the kitchen and...I dunno. I need to gather my thoughts about what happened."

He looked down. "Yeah, okay. I'll be out in a bit."

"Okay. Are you gonna be alright?"

"Sure, yeah. I'm just- do you mind if I shower?"

"Uh, go ahead. I have some of my brothers old clothes here. I'll leave them outside the door." He thanked me and I went to my room to pull the old sweats out of the dresser. My brother, who was in Oregon for his elementary education degree, stayed with me over the summers, and I'd asked him to leave behind a pair of sweats when he left. They're comfy as heck. I left them by the door and leaned up against the wall, sighing. I closed my eyes, gathered my thoughts, and prepared to face Thomas again. Well, I thought, let's hope Carter doesn't have high expectations.


AN: So, I'm back again! Senior year is starting and I'm realizing just how lazy I actually am with writing, so I'm not even gonna try to promise anything spectacular, but I will say that you should have another chapter before Sherlock comes out. If you don't, you have my full permission to hunt me down and lecture me. Anyway, vote, comment, subscribe! Every little thing helps :)

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