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SATORU DIDN'T KNOW WHERE IT COME FROM, an entirely new savagery growing inside of him as he pushed Mikazuki against the wall. The Kinzoku hit the wall hard, head colliding against the red velvet material while the sorcerer blocked her path. Satoru didn't think, holding her wrist with one hand and pitting her arm over her head and against the wall while his other palm pushed against her collarbone. The touch was singing, steam rising from where his skin met hers, yet he refused to pull back.

"Say that again." He dared, baring his teeth while his fingers dug on her skin, not caring whether he left a mark or not.

Mikazuki looked up at him in a haze, alcohol clouding her judgement while her eyes flickered between his lips and his ocean blue gaze. The sorceress couldn't look away, couldn't think as she felt the length of him pressed against her body, pinning her in place. She breathed in deeply, chest rising as she felt the warmth of his hand over her clavicle.

Mikazuki stood there, unmoving, completely at the mercy of the man she spent half a lifetime craving. She wanted to feel nothing, to be as cold as ice under his touch, but it was extremely hard to turn into a freezing ice cube when Satoru ignited flames under her skin. Her whole body was hot, almost like she could burst into flames.

"Say. That. Again." Satoru challenged, hoping that combative side of her was still alive and well and wishing she would fight back.

She had to. Because, if someone didn't intervene in the next twelve seconds, he was going to kiss her. Reality would cease to exist and a black hole would rip through this world, tearing the Earth's core in two. None of this seemed to be enough to stop him, the threat of a world-ending event not nearly dire enough to tear him from her. Somehow, Mikazuki was able to regain her bearings, pushing Satoru off of her, skin tingling from the sudden loss while the sorcerer brushed his hair out of his face.

"Fuck." He let out, the curse sounding strange from his lips.

Mikazuki ignored him, still reeling from the sensation of his hands on her body. Her skin was still hot to the touch, a crimson flush staining her cheeks while her core pulsated. Satoru looked at her, expression puzzled, like he didn't know where these feeling that had pushed him to react came from. He had no idea, and that thought was far more frightening than whatever was about to happen. The sorcerer flexed his hands, stepping away from Mikazuki while he kept his eyes on the carpeted floor.

One step. Two steps. Five steps. Ten steps. Soon, he was far away enough to start thinking again. Mikazuki pulled her lips into a tight line and, wishing to put as much distance as she could between them, she began to walk over to the bar. Satoru followed. He wasn't sure why, his feet moving of their own accord as he trailed behin Mikazuki all the way to the drinking bar at the back of the club.

The Kinzoku didn't seem to mind his company, deciding to ignore his presence as she slid her card across the table. The bartender caught the black metal-plated card, setting a bottle of Absolut vodka down on the counter with one swift move. Mikazuki was a regular here and everyone was well-acquainted with her tastes, no matter how expensive those were.

Gojo leaned against the bar, ocean eyes following the sorceress' every move as she flicked the cap off from the bottle, guzzling almost a quarter of the liquor in one go. Gods, how was she still standing? Satoru didn't know, and although Mikazuki was still clearly drunk, she seemed to be more aware than she had been in the dancefloor. Her golden blood had probably burned most of it by now, her expression sobering up as she passed him the bottle, a lopsided grin on her rosy lips.

The Gojo heir wondered what it would feel like to drag his thumb across those luscious lips, if the skin would be soft underneath. The sorcerer quickly discarded the thought, grabbing the bottle and taking a good swig. It tasted like hell and, like the lightweight he was, Satoru soon became lightheaded, a slight buzz humming in his skin. He eyed the woman, a sudden resemblance assaulting his muddled brain.

"You're just like Keisuke, you know?" He commented casually, speech somewhat slurred. "He used to drink to drown his sorrows, too."

Satoru couldn't even begin to remember all the nights he'd spent with the Kinzoku heir on a bar just like this one. Keisuke had a penchant for liquor, the very expensive kind that had him drink dry his family's coffers, not that gold was ever a problem for the Kinzoku. He'd been a good friend and an even better partner. Kei was loyal, protective. Something in Satoru broke in that moment, the knowledge that he would never drink with him again turning bitter by the second. Mikazuki let out a chocked nose, leaning on her arm as she held his gaze.

"How sad is that? How sad is it that I didn't even know that about my own twin brother?" She asked, a certain tone of despair behind her words. "This is what my family does." Mikazuki spat angrily as she stole the bottle from him, taking another swig, some of the liquor dribbling down the side of her lip. "They cut us off from each other, they separate us to keep us in line, all pliable and ready to do their bidding and then have the gall to act shocked when we want to escape their house of sorrows... I hate them."

There was something final about the way she said it, a deep-rooted hatred that consumed her inside out, poison spreading through her flesh. For a moment, Satoru didn't say anything, simply tilting his head to the side as he observed her carefully. Mikazuki wasn't easy to read, but even then, he'd always known there was something wrong with that family of hers.

He'd known from the moment she walked out of that dressing down with her father with a split lip, had known when she and her brother didn't show up for training after their eighteen birthday. He'd always known, but hearing it from her lips felt different. It felt personal.

"You don't really mean that." He tried anyway.

Mikazuki gazed down at the bottle in her hand, a blank expression on her face.

"No, I think I do."

𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑺𝑬 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑶𝑹𝑹𝑶𝑾⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now