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IT WAS SO ODD; the feeling that settled over Mikazuki as she laid there, Satoru's arm on her back... it reminded her of the old days, when the five of them (Satoru, Suguru, Shoko, Kei and her) laid in their hotel rooms after a mission, bottle of alcohol in their hands as they played some sick twisted version of spin the bottle.

It was probably the least egregious thing they'd done, but it lingered in her mind, a reminder of just how happy she was able to be when surrounded by those who truly mattered to her. Then, reality came in and everything was chipped away, every little piece of her soul shattered into oblivion until there was nothing left.

Satoru's hold on her tightened as he pulled the sorceress closer to him, her breath brushing against his chest. They'd been closer, but never like this, with such intimacy between them.

"Kei's little sister? Is that all I am to you?" Mikazuki asked, mirth in her eyes even as sadness hovered around her.

She cackled again, this time with little to no sadness in it. It was honest, it was true, it was... comforting, in a way. She looked radiant, like the sun, and happy and safe in his arms. Satoru might find irony in it if he truly thought this to be anything else but a temporary truce. But, even if a hundred years passed, Mikazuki would probably never forgive him for what he'd done – to her, or to Suguru. It was fair, even if it was also heartbreaking.

"What a fall from grace; started out as your fiancé and now I'm your best friend's little sister..." She continued to joke, her tone light despite the apparent sharpness in her statement.

Mikazuki was a multifaceted woman, and she could be both bitter and fun at the same time. Their engagement was never real, but her life had been defined by the union since she was fourteen, and like many other aspects of her life, it was a core part of who she was – and who she'd become. The Kinzoku had raised her to be the perfect bride; a mixture of a virginal goddess and a powerful temptress, two sides of her warring an interminable war, two sides of a coin that could never co-exist.

For men, it was easier – at least in theory. No one expected Gojo Satoru to abstain for the sake of his future bride, no one called him a whore if he so much as looked at a girl the wrong way. But her? She was held to an impossible standard, to an ideal that crumbled with each new generation, the weight of the pain of every expectation growing heavier and heavier.

Mikazuki used to believe Satoru was free, but freedom for people like them was nothing but an illusion. There's no freedom here. Who said that? Those exact words? Had it been her father, trying to teach her one of his lessons? Or was it her twin brother, reminding her not to get too comfortable in her position? Gojo's voice cut in sharply through her thoughts, the quiet spiral of madness she'd been going through slowly disappearing.

"Be honest," Satoru wiggled his eyebrows in a joyful and suggestive way, a smile teasing on his expression. "you wish you could still get all of this." He jiggled his hips, lifting them off the mattress before dissolving in a fit of giggles.

Mikazuki joined in, melting to his side and hating herself for how good it felt to be this close. Still, the sorceress didn't let it sour her mood, choosing to focus on the cheerful moment hoping I'd become part of a core memory someday soon. The pair had never been this close before – physically, yes. But never emotionally, never within the same bandwidth, always a world's apart of different between the two.

"Oh, right." Mikazuki laughed it off, lightly teasing the man as she smacked his shoulder. "Because women would tear each other apart for a piece of you, right?" The sorceress joked, a sly smile on her face. "You're not that good, Satoru."

Mikazuki was lying, and they both knew this. Satoru was known as a womanizer, the kind of man that could get any woman he wanted to, and it wasn't precisely for his egotistical charm nor his mildly handsome appearance. His skills were what truly set him apart from everyone else.

That, and the fact he was a known 'no strings attached' kind of guy, which was very much appreciated in their world. There was something recomforting in the brevity of these kinds of encounters when you could die at any moment.

"Some very satisfied ladies – and lads – would disagree." The Gojo heir answered proudly, almost offended by the institution. "Then again, you've never jumped on the Satoru train, so maybe you're missing out on some context."

Oh, so that's how you want to play this? Something ignited in her, a spark of competitiveness that should have been long lost. Yet, it was still there, buried under long years of pretending to be a nice pliable soul, drowned out by the conditioning her clan had set for her. It was all a dream, flooding back and rushing in less than a second. It overwhelmed her, but most of it, it excited her. She'd never wanted to be better, more than him.

"Missing out?" She asked, feigning annoyance. "Just because you know where the clitoris is doesn't mean you're a sex god."

She was riling him up, trying to get him where she knew it hurt must; his masculinity. It was a shitty thing to do, especially when Mikazuki knew how toxic things could get in the Jujutsu society, but it amused her anyway. She was feeling restless, like a child poking at a wild bear, sort of wanting to feel the consequences of her foolishness. Would it turn around and attack her, bite her hand? The thought of it made her heart skip a beat, blood rushing through her and turning her cheeks a deep shade of pink.

"Oh I can assure you I know plenty more than that."

He didn't say it like he should; jokingly. No, he said it slowly, his voice turning velvet smooth as his eyes turned sharp and foxy, ocean gaze tacking her in with a slow movement while his upper lip twitched with mild satisfaction. Part of Mikazuki wondered if he was teasing her, kind of like she had been seconds ago, but something about his tone made her think he was dead serious, a sparkle of lust glistening in his perfect ocean eyes as he stared at her. The sorceress played it off, rolling her eyes so far out they might come off from her head.

"Mmm, I'm sure your new wife will be veeeery grateful..." She droned on, hoping he'd get the hint. 

𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑺𝑬 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑶𝑹𝑹𝑶𝑾⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now