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Zee is just coming out Nu's cabin, gently shutting the door behind him

when Max and Nat  walk into the lobby.

Zee waves at them weakly.

A half smile, half grimace on his face.

Max hugs him tightly when they approach,

"Hey buddy, rough day huh?"

"You don't say,"

Zee shakes his head.

"How is he P'Zee?"

Nat asks, brows pinched in concern.

Nat asks, brows pinched in concern

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"Good, alright I guess,"

Zee rubs a hand at his nape, his eyes feel dry and itchy,

"He just fell back asleep just a while ago. The doctor said his condition is stable now. We'll have to wait to see there's any further internal bleeding, but chances of that are low."

"Thank god,"

Nat smiles at him kindly,

"How's our little girl?"

"The little one's fine,"

Zee can't help but break into a fond smile of his own,

"A little moody but alive and kicking, so that's what matters

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"A little moody but alive and kicking, so that's what matters."

"Good to know. We can meet her right now, can't we?"

Max asks curiously.

"Of course, come in."

They enter the cabin, shuffling inside as quietly as possible.

"Let him sleep,"

Nat whispers, nodding towards Nu on the hospital bed.

He still approaches his bedside, brushing a tentative hand on sleeping Nu's forehead,

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