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Nu widened his eyes and broke the kiss immediately, finally finding his strength to push the male away.

He struggled to get away from the older's possessive hold, but to no avail,

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He struggled to get away from the older's possessive hold, but to no avail,

He struggled to get away from the older's possessive hold, but to no avail,

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"Stop,zee ! What the hell are you saying and doing?

I'm married and I have a child now!

Don't you understand?

How could you say something like this?"

He said in disbelief and hurt.

Zee  just tightened his hold around his waist even more instead, this time kissing nu's exposed neck and collarbone,

Zee  just tightened his hold around his waist even more instead, this time kissing nu's exposed neck and collarbone,

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"I know. But let me remind you once again that—

I'm the one who is helping you find your son. Not your so called husband. You are dependent on me to find your child,"

he said, in between sucking a hickey on the younger's porcelain skin as the latter whimpered.

Nu literally froze in his embrace as soon as he mentioned his son, looking at him with widened eyes.

Zee tilted his head, enjoying the reaction he just received.

He smirked slightly and then caressed the younger's soft cheeks,

"Why did you stop protesting? Don't you want to push me away anymore?"

Nu  gulped and looked at him with those Bambi eyes of his,

"Sky— h-he.... Help me find him please.

I don't trust anyone but you.

Please don't change your mind. I know it's a lot to ask for.

But...but I can't afford to lose him,"

zee once again felt bad hearing the broken voice of the younger.

The way his ex lover looked so helpless and stared at him with his teary hopeful eyes.

But if he were to confront Nu about how his baby didn't exist in the first place, the scenario could go a lot of ways.


Nu might not believe him and keep insisting that he indeed have a baby.


he might accept this fact and return to bright the next day.

Something zee would only let happen over his dead body.

So, he had settled for the first option.

To tell nu the truth and make him understand that he didn't have a baby since the beginning.

It was all just a misunderstanding, something caused by his trauma and nothing else.

But before that zee wanted to have something for himself.

He wanted to have the younger again, in his arms, in his bed, just like the good old days.

Even if it meant deceiving the boy he loved so much by giving him false hopes, then so be it.

"I will. I will find sky. But what's in it for me, baby? What if I say I want something from you in return?"

He asked huskily, removing the stray bangs away from nu's pale face and staring intensely at the honey eyes.

Nu looked extremely anxious by his sudden question but he didn't dare to push him away just yet,

"W-What do you want from me?"

zee felt his cock stir inside his pant hearing the meek voice of the younger.

The younger being so pliant, so submissive and so obedient in his arms awakened all source of his hidden feelings and lust.

He couldn't wait to ruin the innocent boy completely and put a baby of his own inside the younger's tummy.

So that he never dared to think about leaving zee again.

"I want you, nu. All of you. Have sex with me and let me do whatever I want to your body for the whole night, just like the old days."


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To be continued.·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·.


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