'A blanket for three.'

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Although he said to hurry, he still couldn't help but gawk at everything. There was the one hopping from stall to stall again, looking at the shining gemstones sold in stalls, the colourful textiles, the waft of delicious seasoning from food stalls, and the scent of sea from the fishmongers.

"How are you more rowdy than you were in the morning?" Alhaitham sighed with an expression filled with visible exhaustion.

"I can't help it, sorry. It's just so fascinating. Everyone coming together under the hustle and bustle of Port Ormos— it's amazing."

"It's not the last time you'll come here. You'll have more opportunities in the future, so let's get what we came here for."

"Yes, okay. I apologize." Zavian felt a little guilty, seeing how low Alhaitham's battery was.


Ultimately, he bought 2 simple shirts, a pair of pants and shorts fitting for the season, all casual and comfortable (Zavian had to hold the other back when it came to splurging on him; how was he so much more enthusiastic in that area?). Alhaitham had also submitted a commission for a tailor to give Zavian some more mocktail-themed and personalised clothes—despite the latter's protests.

'That's an extra 20,000 mora to the debt... I wish I could just farm a leyline.'

"Are you sure it's okay to buy me this much...? Well, you did try to buy more, but..." Zavian's voice trailed off, eyeing the bag he was holding.

"Yes. It'll be Kaveh's money anyway."

"What? Wait, wasn't this yours?"

"It is. I'm just going to increase his rent. He spoke of taking responsibility, yet the first thing he did was overwork himself."

Zavian's heart dropped. He couldn't let the already stressed man have to pay further rent because of him. "Wait, no, it's okay! Just sign it as my debt. I'll take care of it!"

The scribe looked at Zavian without a word, contemplating something, before turning his vision forward again. "That was a joke. Let's go home."

When they did, Zavian's sore body finally hit him square in the jaw as he plopped down everything and collapsed on the sofa. Now that he was back somewhere safe, every inch of his body relaxed, leaving him no energy for anything.

The other passed him a cup of water as he sat beside him. Zavian gratefully accepted it and gulped it down.

"Tiring, isn't it?"

"Yeah... Sorry. I'll cook soon, so..." The shorter one's head was bobbing up and down, seemingly to fight against the sleepiness. Currently, his mind is full of ingredients.

"Is housework all you can think about? Don't make me sound like some kind of slave driver," Alhaitham said, opening his book. Over these few days, it always looked like Zavian was working hard to keep the place so clean that he couldn't remember the last time he saw a speck of dust. Archons knows how much time he spends just on chores, even when Kaveh tries to dissuade him and do some of the work. With a strange determination, Zavian had pampered the blond instead, saying 'he needed a rest more than himself'. It wasn't like Alhaitham didn't agree, no; in fact, he had wanted it more than anyone else, but what was he supposed to do with two overworking people? 

"Haha. It's all because I want to pay you back... so don't charge Kaveh," the tired man sheepishly smiled. "He already has enough going on."


Soon, soft steady snores arose from beside the scribe, and he found himself staring at the raven-haired man. 

"...It's almost like two birds of a feather flock together. Perhaps it was fate that Kaveh met someone like you." He returned his attention towards his book, but his mind was still on something else. "I suppose karma does exist."


The blond gasped, woken abruptly from his long and peaceful slumber by his brain that hinted towards an unfinished task. He got up, feeling nothing but pure satisfaction from the delightful rest he just had, yet the tugging feeling at the bottom of his heart didn't allow him to soak in the bliss. He furrowed his eyebrows in an attempt to remember what was amiss, unease settling into every part of his body that tickled his nerves. Suddenly, he shot towards the desk and discovered missing files, only replaced by a strange note. His anxiety quickly settled when he read said note left by the man they had taken in recently. 

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