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With tired, entangled limbs Yoongi and Jimin are laying next to each other in each other's arms, kissing slowly, delaying the moment they have to remember the world is still turning and the sun is still out. For a split second Jimin's mind decides to send him an image of himself laying alone in bed in Busan, curled up and crying. It's a memory of when he and Minseo just broke up. He wasn't crying because he loved her, he was crying because he didn't. All the hope he had for a successful relationship when they just started dating faded slowly but painfully until the moment Jimin realised that again, the crush full of desire ended in an empty theatre of a picture perfect relationship. He cried after the breakup because he was afraid this would be a returning cycle for the rest of his life. Will the same happen with Yoongi? Will his love simply fade? Even though his heart ensures him that this is different?

Jimin pulls his lips away from Yoongi's and digs his face in his neck. His fingers digging in the silky skin of his back. Please, don't ever let this feeling fade. Please. Let the memory of me crying alone in bed remain as just a memory. Yoongi places a kiss on Jimin's head.

"Jimin-ie? You alright?" Yoongi seemed to have picked up on Jimin's turn of emotions.

"Yeah..." Jimin lies. He takes a deep breath and tightens the grip on his boyfriend's body.

"You sure?" Yoongi softly ghosts Jimin's back with the tips of his fingers.

"What if..." Jimin starts, but is afraid to continue and ruin the mood and silences himself.

"Tell me, love. It's okay."

"I'm afraid this will all fade away. That's how it always goes. I start relationships full of hope and excitement, but then... it just fades. I don't ever want to lose this feeling."

"Hmm... I don't want to lose this either, but it's okay to be unsure about the future. Nobody will ever know how things go, all we can do is just... our best. Then time will tell."

"I'm going to do my best like never before."

"Heh," Yoongi chuckles, "you can't do more of your best than your best. That's the trap about doing your best. You have to believe that you did all you could, even though afterwards it might feel like you could have done more." Yoongi's softly spoken words feel like warm honey. Jimin pulls his face from the comfortable spot in Yoongi's neck and looks him in the eyes.

"Every time you speak I love you more." Jimin's bottom lip is starting to tremble. He can tell his words have left Yoongi a bit speechless, so he waits patiently while trying not to burst into tears and looking at Yoongi's dewy face. Having a moment to look at him so up close during such a tender moment is something Jimin wants to burn in his memory. His beautiful eyes, soft cheeks, pink lips. Every pore, every eyelash, he wants to remember everything. He wants to record it in his heart together with the flaming love.

"Jimin-ie... I don't understand how I could deserve your love." Yoongi's voice is starting to shake as well.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just a simple, moody barista, what did I do to deserve an angel like you?"


"Don't ever for a second think that I don't love you, Jimin-ie. Even when I'm having my bad days, where it might seem like I'm pushing you away, please believe me that I don't want that. I want to keep you close to me forever, for as long as you let me." Yoongi says sincerely while gazing into Jimin's soul through his eyes. Jimin starts sobbing thick tears and allows Yoongi to gently pull his head into the comfortable spot of his neck again. Jimin cries and cries, releasing all the fears, worries and sorrows, until he is left with a calm, empty mind and a heart full of comfort and love.

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