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"Shit, Jin is landing soon but I'm still waiting for the food to be delivered..." Jimin bites his nails when he notices the time.

"I'll go pick him up alone." Yoongi suggests while stroking his boyfriend's back.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, then you can open the door for Joonie and Taekook in case they are early."

"I can go!" Hoseok jumps in the conversation. "I haven't seen Jin in so long, it'll be nice to catch up before the party starts."

"Oh, thanks Hoseok, that would be great." Jimin sighs of relief. Even though there's only going to be seven of them, he always gets nervous when inviting people over. Especially now that Jin is flying over to Jeju to join their little moving in celebration.

Jimin thanks Hoseok again as he leaves to pick up Jin, leaving Jimin and Yoongi alone again for a little while. Jimin walks over to Yoongi, who just finished putting some bottles of beer in the fridge. He grunts as he grabs Yoongi's waist and hugs him from behind, burying his forehead in Yoongi's warm back.

It has been almost exactly one month since Jimin moved in with Yoongi and he hopes this honeymoon feeling will never go away. Even their first little fight over a dirty kitchen felt like it only made them closer. Jimin never really believed in make-up sex before, he had never felt the urge to sleep with someone he just fought with, but he's a strong believer of it now.

"Still nervous?" Yoongi asks while pulling Jimin's arms tighter around his waist.

"Hmm... a bit. I don't now why."

"Heh, cute. It's going to be fine."

"I know." Jimin lifts his head and pushes his nose in Yoongi's long, rosemary scented hair. Even though he gets to smell that scent every day now, it still makes him feel tingly inside. Yoongi has offered him to just use the same shampoo instead of buying his own, but he refuses to do so. He wants that scent to be Yoongi's only, otherwise he wouldn't link it to such a special feeling anymore if he'd smell like that himself as well.

The doorbell rings, causing Jimin to wake up from his thoughts and he goes to open the door for Taehyung and Jungkook, who greet him as if they haven't been seeing him regularly over the last weeks.

"Jimin-aaa! Look at you opening the door of your new home!" Taehyung says while hugging him tightly.

"Oh come on, you've seen me open this door before." Jimin chuckles.

"Well, yeah, but today we are celebrating it!"

"Babe, let me hug him too!" Jungkook whines.

"Alright alright..." Taehyung steps aside and Jungkook squeals happily while lifting Jimin in the air a bit. Jimin laughs and comments on the couples unnecessarily dramatic behaviour, but he secretly loves it.

"What's going on here?" Another voice says from the door that was still left open.

"Namjoon-a! Come in." Jimin goes to greet his tall friend and guides them all to the living room.

"Jimin, I have something for you." Namjoon hands Jimin a little gift.

"What's that?"

"Just a welcome gift. Open it!" Namjoon sits down on the couch with a smile. Jimin sits next to him and starts removing the wrapping paper. In it he finds a wind chime in the shape of a fish.

"Oh how cute! Thanks Namjoon hyung!"

"Damn, we didn't get him anything." Jungkook pouts at Taehyung.

"We give him very expensive love and attention often enough." Taehyung jokes and shows his boxy smile. Jimin giggles and offers everyone drinks. Yoongi helps him carry it from the kitchen and they all sit down around the coffee table.

It's kind of funny to Jimin that these types of gatherings haven't been a part of his life anymore at all since he was a student. Sure, he went to the restaurant and bar with Jin and others, but that feels different from being at home. It feels much more personal. Being able to host a little party like this in his new home makes his heart warm. It makes him feel even more certain about his decision to move here. Having to leave Busan was quite rough at first, the last week before moving he started feeling quite anxious about the whole thing. What if he and Yoongi couldn't stand each other for longer than a week? What if his friends and family would slowly but surely stop contacting him? But now he is so happy he made this decision.

Jimin jumps up when the doorbell rings again. Hoseok and Jin enter the apartment with big smiles and Jin hugs his friend tightly. This is the first time he's in Jeju since a long time, so he hasn't met Taehyung, Jungkook nor Namjoon yet. Jimin drags him to the living room and introduces them all to each other. They all politely shake hands and Jin sits down next to Namjoon. Almost immediately the doorbell rings again. Food. Now that all the doorbell-ringing is over, Jimin hopes to be able to relax a bit more.

The coffee table barely manages to hold all the food and drinks after Jimin is done placing everything down. Due to a lock of seats, he sits down on the floor in between Yoongi's legs. They eat, talk and drink like they all have been friends for years. When the first bottles on the table are all empty, Jimin gets up to get some more from the fridge. Jin follows to help.

"So, Jimin-a, how has it been so far?" Jin asks now that they have a little moment alone.

"Oh Jinnie hyung, it's been so great. I'm afraid I'm going to jinx it somehow."

"Ha, you'll be fine, and you have great friends here already." Jin leans against the counter and looks towards the others in the living area.

"They're the best, I feel so welcome here because of them."

"Yeah, I've been talking quite a bit with Namjoon, what a sweet and funny man. He talks very lovingly about you guys."

"I always said I think you two would get along well. You should visit here more often." Jimin takes the drinks out of the fridge and peeks at Jin, who is smiling softly.

"Mmm. Yeah. Anyway! Let me help you carry those drinks."

Jimin pours drinks for everyone and sits back down between his boyfriend's legs, who places his warm hand on Jimin's shoulder and squeezes it softly. Jimin looks around the room and feels a deep sense of contentment. The room is filled with his friends, in the apartment that he's sharing with his loving boyfriend.

"Hey guys." Jimin says loudly to get everyone's attention. "I ehh... I really want to thank you all for coming here. Moving to Jeju has been such an easy decision to make, but of course it wasn't super fun to leave Busan behind. But being here now with all of you... it really feels like home."

"Awww Jimin-a!" Taehyung pouts and places his hand over his heart.

"Tae... thank you for always making me laugh." Jimin continues, "Kookie, thank you for keeping me company and showing me around. Namjoon, thank you for always looking out for Yoongi and I. Jin, thank you for still being my friend and coming all the way here. Hobi, thank you for helping me realise how much I love Yoongi when we just met, you're like my therapist." Jimin chuckles with a lump in his throat. He then turns around so he can look at his boyfriend behind him. Seeing that his beautiful eyes have become watery makes Jimin also tear up.

"And Yoongi... thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for always being there for me, for being patient and honest and really just for always making me feel so loved. You're everything to me, the love of my life." Jimin's chin is trembling. Yoongi quickly wipes his own tears and leans forward to cup Jimin's wet cheeks and peck his lips. The friends all coo and Jungkook is caught shedding a little tear as well.

"Jimin-ie... You know I could never live without you anymore, I was doomed from the day you walked into Shooky's. I love you so much." Yoongi whispers with a shaky voice.

"I love you too hyung." Jimin whispers back.


Thank you so much for reading my story all the way to the end!
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PS: I have more #yoonmin stories ;)

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