(In case you have never read a script before the things in italics are actions taking place, the things in bold are charcter names and the words that have nothing done to them are what the characters are saying. I dedicate this entire chapter to the girl who plays JJ herself and no one plays her better than Gleemy. You're awesome.)
Yummy: An play in one act
(In a dimly lit empty office converted into a dinning room a couple sitting at a table with two candles and two wine glasses. the boy is one the right wearing a business suit and sitting very calmly, the girl on the left was wearing a rich blood red gown with her dirt brown hair piled upon her head. The room smells of a sickly sweet smell that can only be described as death. They are alone and not talking to each other as a waiter walks up carrying a jug.)
Waiter: (French accent) Madam, monsieur?
Samuel: Uh, just water for me thanks. (Samuel turns to look at the woman.) Not feeling too well. (Woman nods and looks up to the waiter who is silently pouring Samuel his glass of water.)
JJ: Hm, well let’s see I think, I’ll have ah, (pauses to look Samuel up and down) pinky…to start with, please. (Waiter nods his head, pulls out a knife and slices off Samuels left pinky finger and places it on the woman’s plate. Everyone stays very calm as if nothing has happened.) Yes thank you. So, Samuel what has happened? I wouldn’t be here if something didn’t happen. (Samuel and JJ laugh as the Waiter shakes his head and walks off the stage.)
Samuel: (hesitantly) Well…
JJ: Come now, come now, I am your therapist. Go on tell me all about it. (JJ starts eating the pinky.)
Samuel: (angrily) I think my wife is cheating on me, at my job Rick the …well you can finish the nickname got a promotion on a project I did. Someone smashed into my car and didn’t leave a note now the mechanic is charging me an arm and a leg just to get it fixed!
JJ: (mouth full) Mm anger, a very powerful emotion, some would say (swallows) …consuming. You know this is very good, you must have some…Speaking of arms and legs. (She snaps her fingers and the waiter appears she points at his right arm the waiter pulls out his knife and chops off Samuels right arm and places it on JJ‘s plate.)
Waiter: (turns back to Samuel who is in deep thought) Are you sure I can’t get you anything, sir?
Samuel: (Distractedly) Hmm? Oh, no, thank you. (Waiter shrugs and walks away) there’s more.
JJ: (licking her fingers) Of course there is, there is always something more. (JJ starts to devour his right arm while he starts to speak hesitantly)
Samuel: Well, it’s my cousin. You see he’s…dead. Heart attack…he was only 37, three years younger than I am. He was like my brother. Well, no not like my brother, he was a jerk…he was like my non-jerk brother. I really miss him. (Samuel stops speaking and looks down. JJ throws down everything and jumps up pointing at Samuel)
JJ: Ah-ha!
Samuel: (leans back into his chair startled staring at JJ, after a pause JJ sits back down and continues to eat) Ah-ha?
JJ: (bored) Ah-ha. Bingo Eureka. That’s it! That’s why we are here.
Samuel: Huh?
Short Stories
ЮморA collection of my short stories and plays that may or may not have anything to do with each other. ENJOY!