Chapter 15 - ''I'll teach you.''

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By the morning, Katara has almost forgotten all about the remorse she was feeling. If not for the bruise. However, waking up she has decided to take a more positive approach to things. She couldn't very well be all gloomy for the rest of her life. 

So being all about the bright side of things, she applied white ish paint to the mark Zuko has left her. Then some darker powder. As it was already starting to fade, it was almost invisible now! 

Good, she thought. Aang hasn't seen it up to that point. Perhaps he'll be distracted enough by their new relationship that he won't notice it at all. 

Katara promised her boyfriend to practice waterbending with him. Thrilled to be able to do that with him, she rushed to get ready. She put on her training gear she's brought from the South Pole; a white bandeau and shorts. She's found it to be most comfortable since no tunic or dress material was getting in her way.

Then she put up her hair in a high ponytail. It was risky to do that. Especially since there was nothing covering her neck now except her mother's necklace. But it would be more comfortable.

And she really wanted to real these new techniques to the best of her ability. 

Katara was all done up now. All she had to do was wait for Aang to come pick her up. 


Thankfully, the Avatar showed up few minutes later. She was already growing bored and thought of escaping to the garden for a little morning sunlight. 

As soon as she opened the door, Aang put a kiss on her cheek. Smiling from ear to ear, she returned the gesture. The Avatar blushed a little, touching his face where her lips met with his skin. He was wearing a simple white top tank and loose, orange trousers. 

''Good morning,'' he exclaimed, still rubbing the spot. As if he couldn't believe it they were being finally so open with their feelings. ''Ready?'' 

''Do you have the scroll?'' she clasped her hands together. She was overly excited!

Aang took out the tube from his pocket. It must've been a very deep pocket, she thought. ''How could I forget?''

It instantly made her think of the time she stole the waterbending scroll from the Pirates. Spirits, she was such a fool back then. Only thinking about herself. 

''Let's go then!'' 

Aang offered her his hand. She gladly took it, letting him lead the way. He's told her yesterday that the Fire Palace has a huge practice room. 

What he didn't tell her though, was that there would be so many people there.

Eyes widened, she looked around at about fifteen guards running around the room with Chan standing on the sidelines, prompting them to be faster. It was the first time Katara has seen him in something else than his uniform. 

He was wearing bare minimum, actually. He had no shirt and only red trousers rested loosely on his hips. Noticing her, his face brightened and he waved toward her and Aang. 

But then his eyes set on the new couple's hand-holding. Suprised flickered across his face but he made no comment.

Katara awkwardly dipped his head in greeting but he was already busy training the other guards. Of course, as the Captain of the Guard, he wasn't here to socialize. 

''This way,'' Aang led her further into the room. Passing by various cabinets and rails full of swords and weapons she's never even seen, they approached a long platform. Aang took out the scroll. He briefly scanned through it. Then he jumped onto the platform, throwing the paper away. Katara frowned. ''I'll teach you.''

Her heart stilled. ''What?'' her voice was barely a whisper. 

''I'll show you the moves. You're probably out of practice so I'll guide you,'' he signed to the space next to him. ''Come on!''

This was so surreal. Aang, the boy she's taught everything she knew, was offering to lecture her on how to waterbend? A skill she's been born with?

Oh, he was so wrong. She was anything but out of practice. Katara would spend every free second on developing her waterbending away from the village she lived in. She didn't want to get rusty while her healing was improving. 

''Okay,'' she sighed, giving in. She wouldn't want to cause an argument in front of so many people. Aang helped her up and she now stood next to him. ''So, what do I do?''

Katara tried to hide her disappointment. Aang got into the position, his legs widened and his arms crossed. ''Like that...''

''Hey! Before you start, can I talk to Katara for a moment?'' Sokka interrupted them. She turned around to look at her brother. He was standing inches away, balancing from one leg to another. Just like the other people in the room, he was wearing comfortable clothing. ''Please.''

Aang looked at Katara as if he wanted to let her decide. Now, that was something she wasn't used to. Nonetheless, she jumped down from the platform. ''Talk.''

She was still angry with him. I mean, what he said really struck a nerve. ''Can we go somewhere more private?''

''No,'' she crossed her arms. She felt a whoosh of air and Aang was standing behind her in an instant. ''You can say whatever you want to say here.''

''What's going on?'' The Avatar touched the exposed part of her back. 

He glanced at him. Right, she forgot to tell him about this little argument. In the midst of all the excitement, she really did not want to be reminded of it all. ''I believe Sokka has come here to apologize to me.''

''What for?'' 

They both stared at Sokka now. His hands were hidden behind his back. ''I said something I shouldn't have.'' 

Toph turned up next to them a second later. ''What's up, guys? Are we not here to train?''

''We are,'' Katara nodded. She leaned into Aang a bit more. ''But Sokka was just about to explain what he's said yesterday.''

''I really think we should talk privately,'' her brother pressed on. 

''You can say everything in front of Aang,'' Katara shrugged. The Avatar's hand wrapped around her waist. ''We're together now so we don't keep secrets from each other.''

Her boyfriend tensed behind her but she didn't pay much attention to it. She felt like together, they could stand against anything. 

Sokka's eyebrows raised. Toph tilted her head. 

''You're what?'' Katara froze as she spotted Zuko coming up to them. His face was drown down. His fists were clenched so hard, her pupils grew bigger. ''Are you kidding me?''


Hey babies!

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Hey babies!

Sorry it's so late but new chapter is here! Hope you enjoy it! 

I very much love reading your comments. 

What do we think about the situation at hand? What is Zuko gonna do? 

Love, Ronnie. 

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