chapter 8 A Warm Heart

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On the next day, and while sitting on the bed remembering how the hell I got here, I heard a *knock knock*, and lifted up my head.

Sullivan need two more days and two more nights to return. and beside that, he will not knock on a prisoner's door.

And so, I took a deep breath, and exhaled calmly. tried to form a smile, and said.

"Ridshard. come inside!."

After welcoming him, he opened the door while scanning outside, as he did go inside, and closed the door.

"hi Maruthi. how are you today?."

"I'm good. what about you?."

Ridshard grabbed a chair, and put it near the bed, while reaching out to the small table besides the bed, to put it between me and him.

"I'm good of course. I'm more worried about you. did you remember your country name?."

He catch me off guard by his worried words. for real, I tried to remember, but my memorys failed me. maybe because I didn't pay interest to the history books, so now I'm paying for being careless. OMG, if just I can go back, and slap my lazy self.

I shook my head with sad expression, and said,

"No, I didn't remember. haha *forming a sad smile* maybe I can put this in my dark list, of what I did wrong"

As he did put the food on the table, he continued speaking with a friendly voice,

"No Maruthi, don't blame yourself. all of us didn't pay attention to our studys"

He started eating. didn't I say he is thoughtful?, he even wanted to eat with me.,

"Yeah... thanks for saying that, to comfort me Ridshard"

"I'm not comforting, its just the truth. c'mon c'mon Maruthi!!!, it's really delicious!"

Haha. he really do love eating. and so, while eating with him, we talked about ourselves, like any normal conversation.

"Believe me Maruthi, this place aren't good to teenagers like you. please you have to go from this place. I will try to persuade Sullivan as much as I can, okay?"

"Yes, I promise"

"Okay, sooo... where did I cut myself?."

"At the point when you stood up for the poor boy!"

"Yes yes, here. so, when I said that, I started running naturally. running from the students who were chasing after me to punish me. while running, I were thinking that I was brave, but in the end, nobody bothered to see if I'm okay or not. even the poor boy didn't say thanks to me!"

"(I like that he don't prise himself,  but talk what really happened. even though I dont know if it's true or not, but the point about not prising himself, is truly great)"

After finishing the breakfast, we heard a powerful knock on the door, so Ridshard rose from his sit, and opened the door.

Only to be greeted by a hand pushing him away to fall on the ground. I runned to him, helping him getting up while looking at who pushed him. this weirdo's appearance is a
curly red hair and brown skin. he frowned at us while saying,

"Didn't we say don't befriend the prisoner?, or are you too stupid to understand?"

My eyes widned from anger, and shouted at him while saying,

"And what does this have to do with you asshole?"

(Oh right. I didn't tell you guys!, I actually curse alot, haha)

"What you bastard?"

Making his face more ugly (angry), he got his hands out from his pocket, ready to smash me.

While Ridshard reached out to his glasses from the ground, and put it on his face, saying in calm voice,

"Please both of you, stop. there is no meaning in this"

He tried to stand up, I helped him only to see the ugly's face in an instant, he grabbed me by the collar, and lifted me up.

"Look here shit, don't play like you own the place, remember that. or, I will smash you till you beg for my forgivness, got it?"

"Oksu no!. let him be!!!"

"It's not me who pushed Ridshard thinking he is the boss, so put me down you fu*king bast-."

I knew that I will get punished the moment I saw him. so being brave is more good then being coward.


Be sure to tell me your thoughts about this story. And support me so I could keep going.

Be sure to see the other stories since they are interesting too 😏.

Have a good day!!! 🐈.

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