it beginning

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3 P.O.V

Elena looks over Bonnie's shoulder and her eyes Locke's eyes with her ex's matt, standing at his own lockers.

she waved at him, in an act of kindness, hope to ease the guilt she feels in breaking his heart, but she received a blank stare before he slams his locker closed and walks off.

"He hates me," she sighed.

"that's not hate" Bonnie tried to convince her after seeing the guilt in her eyes,

"that's the 'you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but I'm secretly listening to olives Rodrigo' look," bonnie was then cut off by a blue-eyed blondie.

"ELENA AND BONNIE" both girls turned around to see their beautiful blonde friend Caroline.

"ELENA AND BONNIE" both girls turned around to see their beautiful blonde friend Caroline

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Carolines POV

Walking into school as Caroline is such a damn hassle, I swear. These idiots can't seem to take their eyes off me, like I'm some kind of freak show.

I don't know if it's because I look different or because I'm oozing confidence, but these people need to learn when to stop staring. It's getting on my last nerve.

 Now, let's find my prime targets for Caroline's little chit chat session.

 There's Elena Gilbert, the so-called "IT girl" and a doppelgänger, and the powerful Bennett witch, Bonnie Bennett. 

 I stroll up to them just as they finish their conversation, giving Elena a fake warm hug before pulling away. 

 With a mischievous glimmer in my eyes, quickly replaced by a fake look of concern and sadness.

"Hey, you alright? How've you been? Taking care of yourself?" I tilt my head, just like Caroline does on the damn show. 

 Without even giving her a chance to respond, I turn my attention to Bonnie Bennett."How's she doing? Is she holding up?"

Okay, I have to Amit. I don't really care for Elena, but I have to make sure I don't get pointed out that I'm not Caroline.

Elena interrupts us, saying,

"I'm find Caroline, I'm much better."

Bonnie and I exchange a knowing glance.

Yeah, right. More like a load of bullcrap.

"Are you sure?" I give her the look that says, 'I don't believe you for a second.'

"I'm sure."

I want to roll my eyes so hard they pop out of my head, but hey, if she wants to pretend like everything's peachy, she can go ahead and do that.

"Or you poor thing." I give Elena one last hug. I glance at Bonnie and give her a small smile.

As I walk away from them, I wave goodbye while turning my back. I can already feel the eye roll coming on. I know they're about to start gossiping about Caroline, or maybe even about me?

On my way to my locker, I turn the corner and unexpectedly crash into Stefan Salvatore.

What the hell?

I'm guessing he decided to take the scenic route through the back of the school today.

Weird... You usually strut your stuff through the front, not the back.

I didn't even know there was a back way, and I distinctly remember him making his grand entrance through the front in the first episode.

Looking up at Stefan... Damn, he's a good-looking guy. Although he doesn't quite fit the bad boy type that I'm into. Only ripper Stefan can pull that off.

Ripper Stefan, now he was something else.

"Sorry I didn't see you there."

"Didn't expect to see you here, but I guess that's on me. I should've been more aware of my surroundings."

Well, if he's so eager to take the blame, who am I to argue?

"That's alright, I'm Caroline Forbes." I extend my hand, expecting him to shake it.

"Stefan, Stefan Salvatore," he says, shaking my hand.

Alright, wannabe James Bond.

"So, you're the new kid," I remark, wanting to make it known that I'm aware of his status.

"How do you know?" he asks, clearly surprised by my knowledge.

"Can't reveal my secrets, sorry," I reply with a mischievous glint in my eyes.

"But what I can do is help you find the front office." I turn away, heading towards the front office.

I glance back and call out, "You coming, Salvatore?"

I glance back and call out, "You coming, Salvatore?"

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skip time.

I lead Stefan to the office, keeping my reasons to myself because of bon bon and Elena.

Bonnie curiously asks, "So, who's the mysterious stranger?"

He's Stefan Salvatore, but I'll keep them guessing. Although, I'll spill the beans to bon bon later at the grill.

Elena playfully teases, "All I see is a back."

Yeah, a back that needs a serious fashion intervention. Pull up those pants, buddy.

Bonnie chimes in, "But it's a hot back." Making me burst into laughter,

Bonnie's predictions about his hidden talents like "I bet he's a Seattle rockstar who plays guitar" kept me entertained, resulting in even more laughter.

Bonnie's predictions about his hidden talents like "I bet he's a Seattle rockstar who plays guitar" kept me entertained, resulting in even more laughter

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