William Tanner aka Mr. Tanner...great

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Carolines P.O.V

walking to my classroom I hear front outside the door.

William Tanner aka Mr. Tanner...great I'm stuck with shit head and the love dove team great just...great.

"Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state people in Virginia's northwest had different ideas."

Should I just walk in as tanners speaking, I mean, no one likes the guys plus. His voice is giving me a headache and I'm just outside the door..you know what?

Fuck it.

walking right up to the door and swing it open, walking right in

"You know it is rude to just walk into a classroom like that young lady," I pause.


actually, know that I'm think about it I think Caroline can rock pigtails but that is not the point he called me young lady..I hate when people call me young lady.

"I want to clarify that my name is not young lady, first and foremost. it's Caroline, but you can call me Miss Forbs. And, yeah, I knew it was rude. It is why I did it" giving him a smirk.

"I'm sure you remember me unless you're catching up with your age, you know memory loss and all" I finish off with a smirk and Bitche attitude.

I start to walk to bonnie and take the set next to her and sit down, only to look up and see the students looking at me.

I just give them a glare, and they quickly look away from me in fear.

I'm guess they were looking at me because I'm acting different, but who cares? I'm done try to be Caroline. I couldn't take it. Hugging and being nice to Elena was enough for me.

Leaning back in my chair, a mischievous smile plays on my lips as I lock eyes with Bonnie. She looks at me, clearly puzzled by my sudden change in attitude

I flash her a charming smile, hoping to dispel her confusion. And what do you know? It actually works. The confusion in her eyes fades away, replaced by a genuine smile directed right back at me.

facing the front again with my smile still on display

I turn my attention back to the front, still sporting my signature smile. But it quickly transforms into a look of disgust as I witness Elena shamelessly eyeing Stefan. 

Well, at least I get to relish in the sight of Matt's heartbroken expression as he watches the whole spectacle unfold.

Seriously, he needs to move on from Elena already.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Bonnie busily typing away on her phone. I know exactly who she's texting - Elena, of course.

Seeing Matt sneaks a peek at Bonnies phone, curious about their conversation. I swiftly turn my face towards him, shooting him a withering glare.

He looks up, sensing my intense gaze, and instinctively recoils. And when he sees the death glare I'm giving him, I shake my head in disapproval and silently mouth the word "rude" to him.

I look away from him and listen to tanner hoping this class would end.

I avert my gaze from him and tune in to Tanner, desperately wishing for this class to be over. 

But then, my attention is caught by Elena, who glances at her phone and flashes a smile think about the new guys looking at her, before locking eyes with Tanner. What truly baffles me is the intense stare Stefan has fixed upon her.

Sure, I've witnessed couples exchanging loving glances before, but that look? It's beyond love, it's like an unhealthy fixation. It sends shivers down my spine, to be honest.


*Bell ring*

Look up at the roof quickly in disbelief

No.. nope.. there is no way god listing to me right now... wait can he hear my thought? No, Caroline, you're just going crazy. It was just a coincidence.

I really need to get out of this hell aka school right now.

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