Angel X Husk- The Pimp

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Requested by: @stol4s_2456
Thank you for your patience, I've been very busy lately. I loved writing this too! It's been a while since I've written an Angel x Husk...

TWs: Blood and Gore, swearing, a Valentino POV
[Slightly inspired by the comic: Rescues and Revelations]

Angel Dust has been with many dudes.. Too many for Husk's liking. It drives him insane although it's legitimately Angel's job...
Husk sighs, drinking from a bottle of cheap booze at the bar. It was 1 A.M, and he was waiting for Angel to get back from work.

-3 A.M-

Angel had finally come back from work.... He looked exhausted, but he smiled when he saw his boyfriend.

"Heya Husky!~" He called out softly, not wanting to wake the others. Husk's ear twitched and he looked up, smiling back.

"Angel! Took ya long enough." He chuckled, kissing his cheek.

"Yeah, sorry.. Val kept me at the studio for a bit longer tonight..." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

Husk frowned, muttering "I hate that bastard."

"I know ya do babe, but he's my boss. Hell, I hate him too, but I'm fine. Everything's gonna be okay. Okay?"

The feline sighed. "Okay...C'mon. Let's get to bed." He took Angel's hand and walked to their shared room. The room was pink and black, with accents of red and white. A mix of both their colours. They painted it themselves.. Surprisingly, it didn't look too bad.

The bed was heart shaped, and they lay on it together, cuddling as they both fell asleep.

-The Next Day-

Husk woke up to Angel being gone, as he had to go in for work, but his phone had some texts from him.. They read:
'Meet me at the top of the porn studio around 4 P.M. Being a weapon.'

He tilts his head, but knowing that Angel couldn't answer, he didn't question it much. He went about his day, waiting for 4 P.M to come.

When it did come, he grabbed two holy daggers and walked out of the hotel, catching Alastor's eye. So of course, the deer silently followed him.
Husk arrived at the porn studio, and flew up to the top, waiting for Angel. It was about 4:15 when Angel came. He bolted through the door from the stairs, panting. The spider had a black eye and bruises on his face/arms. His gloves were torn off too.

"Angel!" Husk exclaims, hugging his boyfriend. "Woah, you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, I'm okay. me with this asshole." He was out of breath, tired and nearly mumbling.

Now, when Angel said 'this asshole' .. Husk was thinking a client. But when Valentino stormed up through the door, his heart dropped.

"Uhm.. Angel?" Husk muttered, watching his boyfriend stand his ground in front of his boss. The feline sighed. "Alright. I guess we're doing this..." He flashed a smile at Angel, taking out his daggers. He held them in his hands, twirling the.

-Before they were on top of the roof-
[Valentino's POV]

"I don't wanna work for you, ya bastard!!" Angel exclaimed.

"Well too bad. Ya signed a contract Angel Cakes~"

"I don't give a shit!!" He continued. "Fuck you ya big fuckin purple shit stain!"

'Ooh....he's getting brave today..' I think, smiling. "Well, maybe if ya were thinkin'.... You'd remember that you belong to me!" I grabbed his wrist, but all of a sudden...


No fucking way..
Angel just socked me in the fucking mouth... He took my golden tooth.. Fucking freak.
Goddammit. Now I have to chase the fucker up the stairs.. The problem is that I'm bleeding all over my fucking cloak... Jacket...thing. Ugh fuck it's not important.

I kept walking up the stairs, being quick about it. I need to catch up with that whore. "I hate these goddamn stairs..."

I huff out a sigh, then... I reach the door.

-Third Person POV-

Husk growled upon seeing the moth pimp. Angel stood there in front of Valentino, seeming unafraid.. He signaled his boyfriend to come closer.

Valentino scoffed, "What, you think that Alastor's little lackey is gonna do shit?" Angel chuckled.

"Well, he ain't just Alastor's lackey."

"Yeah dumbass." Husk adds, making the pimp laugh.

When he finally settled down, he spoke. "You've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me."

The feline growled quietly, Angel sighed. "Fine. Don't believe me?" He nodded at Husk, who darted back into the shadows, catching Valentino off guard...

The moth exclaimed a curse, his eyes moving all around to find where the cat went. Then, behind him, a sharp pain went through his spine.
He crumbled to the floor, wincing in pain. Because the daggers were a holy weapon... He'd be hurt for reals. If he got killed......he'd be dead forever..

Alastor, who was in the shadows, observed this, even he didn't see Husk coming at Valentino. Which meant that he could be an actual threat.. Not to Alastor of course, but to other Overlords.

Husk struck again, this time cutting off one of his arms. Valentino screamed out in pain, whipping around in the direction he had come from.


Angel rolled his eyes, Husk struck him again. This time, he cut a gash on his face. Black blood fell from the gash, dripping onto the rooftop's floor. Then Angel joined in, grabbing a pistol from his boot. How he fit it in there...nobody knew.
He shot at Valentino, but the bullets weren't anything normal. They were holy bullets, making it more painful. He shot him in the chest, near his cold, black, and dead heart..

The pair walked up to him, Husk stabbed the knife into one of Valentino's eyes, taking it out and flicking it aside. The moth screamed again, but Angel shot him in the throat, destroying his voice box. Making it hard for him to even make a sound.


"Oh cram it ya bastard." Husk spat, frowning and glaring harshly. Valentino glared right back, then Angel turned to Husk.

"So babe. Whatcha say we end him?"

Husk nods with a chuckle. "Sounds great."

With that, the two ended his life with a bullet to the head, and a knife to the heart. Black blood splattered the floor, the two demons hug each other happily.

"Hahah!! We did it!" Angel exclaimed. Husk nods with joy...
Then.. Someone cleared their throat.

The demons turned to where the sound came from, and quickly aimed their weapons. There stood Alastor. "Oh. Al, hey!" The arachnid calls out.

The overlord waved and walked up to them. "So, you two were doing this?" He asks. "You better not be thinking of doing this to others."

"Course we ain't gonna do that. This bitch just needed to die for good." Husk replies.

"Ah, well great to hear! Well now that you're done here, let's get back to the hotel!" They nod and walk back, Husk and Angel talking the whole way.

When they got back, they cleaned up, then fell asleep in the same bed..

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