chapter 2

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Ella pov

I was sitting in my room after Max left leaving me to my thoughts that are swarming around like a bunch of bees when my mother walked in.

"Hey, baby I saw that Max left the house when I pulled in. Is everything alright?" She asked with concern as she sat next to me.

"Everything is fine I promise you, mom," I said with a smile.

"OK as you say everything is ok then I'll believe it is," she said as she smiled her million dollar smile.

"OK" was my reply. After I said OK she left and I waited 5 minutes to make sure she wasn't by the door.

I got out of my bed and put on my black high tops along with my favorite jacket. I opened up the window to be greeted by the gentle breeze I smiled and climbed out the window careful not to make any noise to have my mom come running into my room to see me climb out the window.

After I was safely out the window I closed it and jump off as I landed on the ground with a soft thud. I stood up rolling my shoulders. I grabbed the small bag that I kept hidden from my mother, I started walking to the woods to the small clearing that was in the heart of the woods.

20 minutes later I got into the clearing and sat right in the middle, took some stuff out of the bag and laid them in front of me.

I took the smudging stick with white sage and lavender. I lit it up with lighter and waited for it to burn for a few seconds than I blew it out and waved the smudging stick around to ward off evil spirits.

" manus in hanc concedere plenilune sanare velle male habentibus. Quos nequit libera. Benedictus." I started speaking in Latin when I heard a weird sound off to the right.

"What the hell who's there!?" I yelled.

Ahhhhh cliffhangers lol. Well everyone are you excited to read what happens next?! I'll update tomorrow or the next day before.

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