Chapter 23

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An this chapter is for my best know who you are......but anywhore this chapter is for her and to shut her up... Onward with the story!


Nick pov

She accepted me! Me and Danny are so happy a-and so shocked that she accepted me after that incident happened.

'nick I'm so happy that she accepted being our mate and Luna' Danny yelped happily.

" I know Danny I feel the same...and so glad I thought she wasn't going to accept us" I said with a sigh.

I was so in my thoughts and had my head down that I didn't notice that I bumped into someone. " sorry I wasn't pay-" I paused when I looked up and saw it was Max Ella's best friend.

He glared at me in got in my face "I don't give two rats asses if you're a big bad Alpha but if you hurt her I will hunt you down and kill you. Do you understand me?" he asked with a annoyed cold tone.

Me being an Alpha I don't get scared easily but this guy in front of me scared me shitless. "Y-yes" I whispered.

He smiled and walked away.

'Nick what do you think that was about?' Danny asked me.

"I have no freaking clue...maybe he was making sure that we didn't hurt her again" I said with a shrug.

' I think you mean you not us dumbass' Danny yelled at me.

"Shut up your part of me!" I yelled back.

Ella pov

I sighed when I got home but smiled after I remember the day I had with my mate that has a nice ring to it.

"Ella honey is that you?" my mom asked.

"Yea mom. Where are you?" I said while I put down my bag.

"Kitchen" was her short reply.

I sighed and walked in to see Mr. Black and my mom talking. "Oh hi Mr. Black what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked past them and grabbed a water bottle.

"Nothing Ella but I have to ask you if you done your history homework that was due two days ago" he replied smoothly.

"Oh yea its in my bag do you want me to grab it?" I asked.

"Yes please" he said.

"Ok I'll be right back" I replied to him and put down my water on the table and walked in the living room, I grabbed my bag from the floor and sat it on one of the chairs. I looked through my bag and found my history homework I sighed and went back into the kitchen.

"Here you go Mr. Black" I said as I handed him my homework.

"Thank you Ella... Ms. Red I should be going now thank you for the lovely talk and coffee" he said with a smile.

"No problem it was a pleasure to talk to you Mr. Black." she replied back with a sweet smile as she walked him to the front door.

"Back to you. And Ella I'll see you in fourth period tomorrow" he said with a stren expression on his handsome face.

"Yes sir see you tomorrow have a nice night" I said.

He nodded and walked out of the house.
An damn Mr. Black is back! Oh and up top is Mr. Black. And srry my phone has been off so I haven't updated. I hope u like it.
So follow me, comment, and vote.

Ps his first name is Adam

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