chapter 33

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An hey guys please listen to Angel with a shotgun by the cab cause it's a good song and I thought it was perfect for this chapter
Ella POV

I woke up to see Nick over me with a tray in his hand. I rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up "um baby what are you doing?" I asked with a sleepy tone.

He smiled at me and put the tray on my lap "well today is the day I want to mark you and everything so I planned a romantic day before we get to the um" he pauses and blushes before continuing "sex. And I just want to show you how much I love and care for you" he finished with a smile and his cheeks a light pink.

My heart swelled up with love that I started to cry tears of joy and happiness. Nick looked at me with a soft smile that made me move that tray to the other side of the bed and jumped on Nick, hugging him tightly.

"N-Nick I love you so much you make me the happiest girl in the world a-and I never want to leave your side I want to be with you for as long as I live." I cried into his chest as held me against his body.

It took me awhile to calm down. I pulled away a little but enough to still be in his touch. I looked at him as he looked down at me.

"I love you Nick" I said softly.

"I love you to Ella" he said with a smile.

"Good you better say that you love me back" I said teasing him.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead and whispered "I'll always love you Ella you are my world and I love u so freaking much that I would give my life to save yours"

I smiled at him with tear running down my cheek.



Hey guys I made this chapter a little longer and there's going to be two more chapters yay! Or boo... Anyways I want you guys to comment your favorite storys on wattpad cause I want to see what books u are into so please do that.

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