PROLOGUE; woodsboro

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As the alarm clock next to the bed started to ring, Y/N groaned and kept her eyes shut.

She could feel the breath of her boyfriend on the back of her neck as his nose brushed against it. His bare chest was pressed against her clothed back and one of his arms was wrapped around her tightly.

"Babe." She mumbled, lightly hitting his arm. "Babe, you gotta get up for work."

"Mhm." He kissed the back of her neck. "Good morning, baby."

"Go get ready for work, Deputy, or else you're gonna be late." She giggled, rolling over to face the man beside her. He pecked her on the lips and threw off the covers, stretching as he got up.

Y/N silently admired him as he stood up and walked into the bathroom.

She closed her eyes again and pulled the covers up to her chin. As the shower ran, Y/N started to fall asleep again.

She continued to doze off until the bathroom door opened again later.

Half-dressed, Y/N watched as her boyfriend walked over to the closet and pulled out clean uniform and pulled on the shirt.

"Wow, I wish I could whistle right now." Y/N commented and her boyfriend turned to face her.

"Yeah? You like this?" He flexed his arms and Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Oh, absolutely." She kicked off the covers and got out of bed. "I love me a man in uniform."

"You love it do you?" He asked running a hand through his hair as Y/N approached him, starting to button his shirt.

"Oh, yeah." She nodded. "It's so hot."

Who cared about a six year age gap? Y/N L/N loved Adam Hoss, even if he was 24 while she was 18.

It's not like it's illegal or anything.

While Hoss continued to get himself ready for work, Y/N changed out of her pyjamas — a tank top and pink checkered pyjama pants — and changed into actual clothes she could wear to school.

"Hey, babe. Could you drop me off at that one coffee place so I can get everybody drinks before Kirby picks me up?" Y/N asked and Adam walked back into the room.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled, finishing buckling his belt. "You good to go now?"

"Yeah, let me just get my bag." She moved around the bed and picked her backpack up from where it had been sitting on the ground.

After locking the front door, Hoss spun the keys around on his finger.

The drive to the small coffee shop wasn't long, as Woodsboro was a small town, and it wasn't that far away.

"Okay, I'll see you later, babe." Y/N leaned forward and kissed Adam on the lips. "Thanks for driving me.

"No problem." Before Y/N closed the door, he added one more thing. "I love you."

She smiled. "I love you, too."

Y/N closed the passenger side door and headed into the coffee shop, exiting with four drinks just moments later.

She notices Kirby's car across the road quickly and hurries over, Olivia opening one of the back doors for her.

"Hey, guys." Y/N greeted, passing one drink to Olivia as she did so. "What's up?"

"Nothing much." Kirby smirked, taking her drink. "We were just wondering why we saw you get out of a police car when you got here."

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Y/N handed a drink to Jill and kept the last one, a hot chocolate, for herself.

"We all saw you." Jill said with a laugh.

"Was that your secret boyfriend you refuse to talk to us about?" Olivia asked, nudging her arm, and Y/N sipped her drink.

"I don't know what you're talking about, guys." Y/N smiled into her drink.

"Look at that smile." Kirby scoffed. "You're so lucky we couldn't see who it was from over here."

"Can we just go to school?" Y/N questioned and Kirby started the car again. "Thank you."

There was silence for a moment.

"So how much older is he?" Olivia asked and Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I'm not answering anything."


The rest of the car ride consisted of the other three girls filling Y/N in on the creepy Ghostface calls they had received earlier that morning, and how Kirby had almost killed them when she ran a stop sign.

As the four girls headed across the grass to get into the school building, they were approached by Robbie, the idiotic film nerd who now had a headset to livestream whatever shit he wanted.

"Oh! This is Hall Pass with Robbie Mercer, here with the luscious Olivia 'Don't look at my tits, I have a mind' Morris." He turned to the girl next to her. "Wow, and also here with Y/N 'No, Robbie, I won't date you because I already have a boyfriend despite not dating anyone at this school' L/N."

"You know why I don't date anyone at this school? Because I have standards, Robbie." Y/N scoffed.

"Okay, here's my Woodsboro Massacre anniversary question:" Robbie started, ignoring Y/N's comment. "What is your favourite scary movie?"

"Is that all you've got?" Olivia asked. "Some stupid douche question?"

"Yeah, where'd you hear that anyway?" Jill questioned.

"It's a line from Stab 1, duh." Robbie replied as his arm was hit by Charlie, his best friend. "Hey, Charlie."

Y/N rolled her eyes and exchanged a look with Olivia.

"You're a genre nut, Kirby. What's your favourite scary movie?" Robbie asked.

"Bambi." She responded sarcastically and the girls pushed past to get into the school.


Charlie chuckled and Kirby gave him a weird look.


"That's funny, Kirby."

BROOKLYN BABY; deputy hoss x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now