CHAPTER SIX; ghostface

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While she didn't want to go back outside near Robbie, Y/N also didn't want to be sitting in the living room with Charlie and Kirby flirting, so she locked herself in Kirby's bathroom and sat on the lid of the toilet.

When Y/N left the bathroom, she bumped into Kirby in the hallway by the front door.

"Kirby!" Jill called down from the top of the stairs and the two girls looked up at her. "I found my phone. It was up in your room. There was no text message sent to Trevor. He is such a liar. Where is he?"

"What do you mean, where is he?" Kirby asked Jill as she stopped in front of them. "He just went upstairs looking for you."

"He's not upstairs." Jill said.

"Trevor?" Kirby called out. "Charlie? Robbie?"

"Cool, so all the guys disappeared." Y/N nodded.

"Maybe they're outside." Kirby opened the front door and the three girls jumped at the sight of Sidney on the other side.

"Jill?" Sidney spoke quickly after the screams from the younger girls.

"Sidney!" Jill exclaimed at the sight of her cousin and Y/N looked at Kirby. "I'm sorry, I should've told you and Mom where I was going."

"No, it's okay. I need you to come with me. Come with me right now, okay?" Sidney pulled Jill out the door and Y/N's jaw dropped at the sight of Robbie coming up the porch steps, covered in blood and stab wounds.

"Oh, God!"

"Run!" He choked out before collapsing.

"Robbie!" Jill gasped and Y/N screamed at the person in the Ghostface costume running towards Sidney and Jill.

Y/N ran upstairs quickly, not even knowing where Kirby went and just following Jill.

"Sidney!" Jill yelled and Y/N turned around just in time to see Sidney kick the attacker down the stairs. "Come on!"

Inside of Kirby's bedroom, Jill locked the door.

"The balcony!" Jill started running to the door and Y/N followed.

"There's no other way out?" Sidney asked.

"We can jump." Y/N stated as Jill pulled the door open. Ghostface had started smashing into Kirby's door and it had started to break.

"It's two stories." Sidney stated the obvious after taking a look. "Where's your cell?"

"Here." Jill handed hers to Sidney.

"Get under the bed." Sidney ordered the two girls.

"What?" Jill questioned.

"Just do what I say. Get under the bed, don't make a sound and don't come out until I come get you, okay? Trust me."

"Okay." Jill quickly hid under the bed, but Y/N stood hesitantly. It would be hard for both of them to stay hidden under there.

So Y/N followed Sidney out onto the roof. As the door was smashed open, Sidney pushed Y/N in front of her, protecting the younger girl.

"You got it? You're okay? Jill, run!" Sidney called down to the ground and Y/N figured she was trying to trick the killer. "Just keep running, get help!"

Ghostface stepped out onto the balcony and Y/N started moving backwards, being careful not to fall off the roof.

The two made it around the corner of the roof and Sidney pulled out Jill's phone and started dialing a number.

Sidney tried each of the windows upstairs, but all were locked. Then the person on the other end of the phone picked up.

"Dewey!" Sidney gasped into the phone. "I'm at Kirby's. The killer is here. I need your help."

Sidney then gestured down to the ground. As Y/N started climbing down, Ghostface came around the corner and knocked Sidney over.

Sidney rolled and slammed into Y/N, sending the younger girl tumbling to the ground.

Sidney was hanging from the roof while Y/N got to her feet again, then Sidney dropped beside her. The two of them then ran around the house to the front door to get inside, Y/N avoiding looking at Robbie's body.

Once inside the house, Sidney bumped into Kirby and Y/N sighed in relief.

"Sorry, it's just me." Kirby apologised after Sidney gasped. "Look, I tried to call 911, but the landline's dead, and someone smashed the router."

"I think I got through on my cell." Sidney told her.

"Where's Jill?" Kirby asked quietly, then the sound of footsteps upstairs took their attention.

Kirby opened the door beside them and the three started going down the stairs.

"If there's a room down here, we can lock ourselves in." Sidney spoke first.

"I heard you yelling to Jill. Did she get away?" Questioned Kirby.

"I think she's safe." Sidney replied and once they entered the room, Kirby locked the door.

Seconds later, the three of them jumped when someone started hitting the window of the door leading outside.

"Kirby, let me in!" Charlie begged as blood smeared the glass from his hand.

"Charlie." Kirby started running to the door, but Y/N grabbed her arm. Then Kirby noticed the blood.

"No, no, no! I just found Robbie. This is his blood. Please!" Charlie looked around. "Please! There is someone else out here! Let me in!"

"If you can't trust him, don't open the door." Sidney ordered and Kirby looked back at Charlie.

"Oh, my God! Let me in!" Pleaded Charlie.

"Get away from the door, Charlie." Kirby told him.

"Kirby, it's me. Please let me in!"

"Get away from the door, Charlie!"

"It's me!"

Kirby started tearing up and shaking her head. Y/N watched her friend quietly.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Kirby cried.

"What the fuck?!"

"I'm sorry." Then from behind Charlie, Ghostface appeared.

"Behind you!" Sidney started rushing over to where Kirby and Y/N stood.

"Look out!" Kirby yelled.

"Oh, my God!" Y/N's hands flew to her mouth as the Ghostface grabbed Charlie and hit him against the glass.

"No! No, no, no, no!" Charlie was begging. "Kirby!"

The lights went out, and when they came back on, Charlie was tied up to one of the chairs with duct tape.

"Oh, no. God, no, please. Leave him alone!" Kirby shouted out through the glass. "Leave him alone!"

Kirby's phone started to ring and looking down, they saw Charlie's name.

"It's Charlie's phone." Kirby mumbled as she accepted the call. Sidney and Y/N watched as Kirby held the phone to her ear for a moment. "It's him."

"Okay, I'm gonna get Jill." Sidney spoke. "We should be in the same place. Just keep him on the phone. I'll be right back, okay?"

Y/N shifted between Kirby and Sidney for a moment before following Sidney.

"I'm pretty sure the rule is you're not supposed to say 'I'll be right back.'" Y/N whispered before Sidney opened the door and the two headed upstairs.

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