CHAPTER SEVEN; charlie and jill

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Once they got up to the stairs, Sidney headed for the kitchen.

"Where do they keep the knives?" Sidney asked and Y/N rushed over, pulling open one of the drawers. Sidney pulled one out and when Y/N went to grab one for herself, she was stopped.

Y/N frowned, but she also understood. She held her hands up in surrender before the two went upstairs.


Jill wasn't under the bed anymore. She wasn't even in Kirby's bedroom and that set off a feeling in Y/N's stomach. An uncomfortable feeling.

Something wasn't right.

And so the two of them headed back downstairs.

Sidney opened the door to the basement and stopped. Y/N stood behind her and felt a hand clamp over her mouth and she was pulled back into the kitchen before a knife sunk into her stomach from behind.

"Kirby?" Sidney called down the stairs and Y/N's mystery attacker threw her to the ground before grabbing onto Sidney.

Once Y/N recognized Charlie she assumed the worst for Kirby.

"You know, you learn a lot when you watch movies over and over," Charlie said to Sidney as he held a knife to her neck and one arm wrapped around her chest. "And all the plots are about trying to kill you."

Sidney attempted to pull away from Charlie, but he still held her tight and she was stuck.

Y/N watched this from the floor as she slowly pushed her back up against Kirby's kitchen island.

"Where's Jill?" Sidney questioned Charlie and he moved his mouth closer to her ear.

"You think she's gonna get away? You think anyone gets away?" As Charlie spoke, Y/N started to stand up, holding a hand to her stomach, which caught the boy's attention.

And when he was distracted, using all her strength, Sidney pushed backwards and knocked Charlie into a wall, freeing herself.

While the two ran down the hallway, Ghostface popped out from the side and stabbed Sidney, causing Y/N to stumble to a stop.

Sidney was pushed back with the knife and the Ghostface took off their mask, revealing Jill Roberts herself.

"Jill!" Sidney gasped.

"Hello, Sidney. Surprised?" Jill smiled. "Watch this. This is the part, my dear cousin, when the cameras... turn off."

Jill pulled a small camera out of her mask and pressed the small off button.

Charlie grabbed Sidney by the back of her head and started pulling her to the kitchen.

Jill looked to Y/N, then down at the mask and knife in her hands. Jill forced her knife into Y/N's side and grabbed her arm, dragging her along to the kitchen.

"Charlie?" Jill started.

"Already taken care of." He replied. "Man, I got great footage of my Robbie kill. Better than Jenny and Marnie or Olivia even."

Jill pulled her knife from Y/N's side and dropped her to the ground.

"Good. We'll cut and upload it later, and make it all traceable to Trevor." Jill pointed her knife at Sidney while Y/N's blood leaked out onto the floor around her, but she was still conscious.

"Speaking of which..." Charlie pulled a tied up Trevor out of the kitchen cupboard. He then asked Sidney, "Remind you of anything?"

"Jill, please!" Trevor panted out after Charlie tore the duct tape off his mouth.

"Shut up, dick!" She ordered.

"Everything I learned, I learned from you." Charlie told Sidney, acting like more of a creep.

"You think you had a shitty boyfriend, Sidney?" Jill started removing her Ghostface robe as she looked down at Trevor. "Here's one that fucks you, dumps you and doesn't even make you famous."

Then she kicked him and he yelled out in pain.

"What the fuck, Jill?!" Trevor shouted. "I loved you!"

"Shut the fuck up already!" She kicked him again. And again.

"I'm sure those cops want you to have this, Jill. For your protection." Charlie handed Jill a gun and Y/N's heart sunk.

She started to sniffle and Jill pointed the gun at Trevor.

Charlie then crouched down beside Y/N with his knife.

"Oh, that's right. One of those cops was your little boyfriend, wasn't he?" Charlie teased as the tears started dripping down Y/N's face and onto the ground. "Aw, maybe we should let you see him."

Charlie's hand reached for the back of Y/N's head and pulled her up. Jill glanced over for a second before facing Sidney again.

Charlie pulled Y/N's head back as she cried, her neck entirely exposed.

"No, no, no," She pleaded, crying harder. "Charlie, please. Please don't."

But Charlie ignored her and lifted his knife. Y/N tried pushing his hand away, but only managed to have her hand cut.

"No, no, Charlie, no, don't," She tried pulling her head away, but Charlie's grip tightened, holding her still.

"Stop moving, you little bitch." Charlie then slowly and very painfully brought his knife up to Y/N's neck and dragged it along, slicing her throat open.

Y/N's pleas soon turned to gurgles as she was dropped onto the ground. Charlie walked away while her hands grabbing onto her throat, trying to keep as much blood inside her body as she could, but it was a large cut.

"Baby, please! Baby, please!" Trevor cried to Jill from behind her, and Y/N just kept repeating in her head to stay awake for as long as possible.

Sidney called Sheriff Riley. The cops would be there soon. Just stay awake.

"Shouldn't have killed all those people, Trev. Gone and put it on video even." Jill looked down at him. "But it means a lot that you did it for me."

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Trevor questioned with tears in his eyes.

"I am not the girl you cheat on!" Jill shouted at him. Then she shot him in the dick.

"Fuck!" Trevor screamed out in pain, which kept Y/N awake for the time being as she gripped her throat tighter.

"I've gone through everything, we're definitely good on timeline." Charlie told Jill, who slowly pointed her gun at Trevor's head.

"Oh, yeah. We're perfect." Jill smirked.

"No, no, no, please!" Trevor cried out and Jill shot him in the head, his blood splattering on the kitchen floor behind him.

"Ready for act three?" Jill asked and Charlie grabbed onto Trevor's body, dragging him around Y/N's body.

"Got it figured out yet, Sidney?" Charlie spoke loudly through the house. "In keeping with our remake theme, Trevor is this generation's Billy Loomis, and we're the innocent victims, Sidney and Randy."

"See, with you, the world just heard about what happened." Jill told Sidney and Y/N's grip on her throat loosened. "But with us, they're gonna see it. It's gonna be a worldwide sensation. I mean, people gotta see this shit. It's not like anyone reads anymore."

Then one of Y/N's hands dropped down and she lost consciousness, but nobody else noticed.

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