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          Jonah Drew Woelfel is 25 years old, and he uses he/him pronouns. He was born on May 13th. His life hasn't been easy. When Jonah was born, his mom was only sixteen years old, and his biological father wanted nothing to do with him. It was difficult for his mother to care for him, especially since her parents offered her no support and forced her to get a full time job while she was still attending school. They believed they were saintlike for giving her the privilege of living with them instead of kicking her out of the house like they wanted. Jonah was four years old before his mom started dating again. After everything that happened, she was cautious and nervous about getting into a serious relationship again. However, Andrew came into their life, and he was determined to stay in it. Molly and he got married, and Andrew adopted Jonah, making him the boy's legal father. He was six years old when he was adopted, and his middle name was changed to Drew.

          Everything seemed to be going well. Jonah loved being a big brother to his younger siblings, although, when they got older, he enjoyed picking on them even more. He would give them noogies, wet willies, wedgies, swirlies, and whatever else he could think of. He was always careful not to hurt them too badly, especially since his closest sibling was still seven years younger.

          In Jonah's junior year, he was accepted into University of Florida with an excellent scholarship, and he couldn't say no. He graduated early and moved, living on campus in order to keep his commute cheap and easy. He walked everywhere, and he excelled in his classes–just like he did in high school. Shortly after his 24th birthday, with a lot of help from his friends and family, Jonah graduated with his master's degree in Marine Biology and a minor in Photography. He had a job lined up, so he got to work right away. While he lived in Florida, he made a point to visit home every Christmas and Easter. His family was important to him; it always had been.

          One day, the young man received a call from his mother. He'd been expecting her to call him since she promised to Facetime him during the gender reveal for, what he hoped was, her last baby. However, something sounded different when he answered. She was sobbing, and he struggled to make out what she said. His dad had gone to the doctor a few weeks prior and got a couple of scans done in order to find the cause of his migraines and severe fatigue. Jonah listened as his mom tried to explain herself for a third time, and he could barely make out what she said between sobs: his dad had glioblastoma. That was October 13th, 2022.

          Jonah quickly put in a two week notice for work and moved back to Georgia as soon as the second week was finished. He took care of his mom and dad to the best of his ability, and he helped out with his younger siblings and around the house as well. It was a heavy burden to take on for the young man. On April 21st, his dad passed away. The next day, his mom went into labor and ended up delivering a stillborn. It was a traumatizing week, for everyone in the family. Molly did her best to be present, but the grief of losing two people at once and dealing with postpartum became too much. Jonah had a long talk with her therapist, and they both came to an agreement. His mom would be accepted into one of the best mental hospitals in the country, one that found its home in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

          While their home was in Georgia, he knew that it would be too difficult to be so far from his mom for such a long period of time. So, he's been looking for a home in Fort Dodge ever since. He believes that he may have found the perfect house for them, but he's worried that they may not react well to the news. Although, he could always beat them up if they give him too much trouble.

          Jonah goes by several nicknames. His friends and family call him JoJo, Joe, Joey, and JD. He likes JD the most out of all of his nicknames, and he hates being called JoJo. His younger siblings call him that often to try to tease him, but he quickly shows them who's in charge.

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