woelfel's big move

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July 22nd, 2023
Parker sat on the couch, leaning on the arm rest as she scrolled through the streaming services that were on their tv. She sighed, adjusting as she struggled to find something that interested her. Everything just looked boring, or she'd already watched it a million times. Jonah smirked, seeing her sprawled out on the couch. He could just ask her to move so he could sit down, but he had a better plan. The twenty-five year old pushed himself up and over the back of the couch and landed on his little sister. She groaned, realizing that it was her oldest brother who was laying on top of her.

"Dude, come on." She rolled her eyes, lazily trying to push him off. JD wiggled, putting more of his wait on her. "Nah." He chuckled, looking back at the younger girl. She winced, actually trying to push him off. "You stupid brother! Your butt is crushing me!" Parker exclaimed. She wasn't truly upset, but it was annoying. "I don't hear a please." JD teased, his voice lilted. The thirteen year old groaned. "Please." She muttered under her breath. "What was that?" Her older brother asked, putting a hand to his ear to try to hear better. "Please, dammit!" She shouted.

JD grinned, pushing himself off of her and ruffling her hair. "We gotta work on your manners, kiddo." He joked. Parker flipped him off. "You're annoying, you know that right?" She mentioned. Her big brother laughed a little, "That's my job." There were a few minutes of silence as Parker continued to look through their streaming services before Jonah spoke up again. "If I told you something I haven't told anyone else yet, could you promise me that you won't be mad?" He inquired. He was closest with Parker and Grey, so he figured that it would be best to break the news to one of them first. Normally, he would try to talk to Grey since he's older and a little more level headed. But Grey was asleep right now, so he'd have to talk to Parker about it. He could wait, but he felt like if he didn't tell someone now he was going to burst.

His little sister turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, I guess it depends on what you have to tell me—but sure?" She agreed hesitantly. JD took a deep breath, keeping his body turned to her. "I found a house in Iowa, just fifteen minutes from Mom. I think it's best if we move there, so I bought it, and we're supposed to be there within two weeks." He spoke quickly, hoping it would help soften the news. Parker stared at him. She didn't say a word. The twenty-five year old bit his lip; did he go too far? He knew he should've waited until Grey woke up.

"Can you say something, anything?" He begged. "Nikki's gonna freak out." Parker mentioned, her eyes wide as she imagined her older sister's reaction. Parker herself didn't really care where they were, after all, it wasn't like she had any friends anyways. Nikki, on the other hand... Well, she was popular and practically royalty in their small town with her social media following. Moving would change all of that. JD nodded; he had suspected as much. It was why he wanted to break the news to someone who wouldn't try to kill him first. "What do you think?" The young man asked, wanting to hear her thoughts. She shrugged. "I mean, it's fine, I guess. I wish it wasn't so sudden, but we can't exactly do anything about that." Parker explained, leaning back into the couch. "There's gonna be a lotta shit to do in two weeks." JD agreed, but, it was like his little sister said, there was nothing they could do about it.


"Why do I have to do it?" Willow whined. Her big sister, Nikki, just told her that she would have to wake Grey up for a family meeting. She really didn't want to wake him up; he was always grumpy in the morning. "Well, Max told me to take care of it, and Parker is already downstairs with JoJo, so now I'm delegating the task to you." Nikki told her baby sister, kneeling down to her level and flicking her on the forehead when she said you. Willow winced, rubbing her forehead with a pout. "But he'll kill me if I go in his room!" The eight year old exclaimed. The older girl rolled her eyes. "That's why I'm making you do it." She mentioned with a scoff, as if it was obvious. "If you go in there, and he beats the shit out of you, he gets in trouble and you'll be crying like a little baby. It's a win/win for me."

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