woelfels, move out

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August 3rd, 2023 to
August 4th 2023
          JD knew that driving his family halfway across the country was ambitious, but he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. He and Grey packed everything up Thursday night, and they were able to leave at around 10:30pm. The twenty-five year old breathed a sigh of relief. The drive was calm and quiet, words that had never come out of his mouth when describing his brother and sisters. Since it was so late at night, Willow was asleep in her car seat, holding a tiny nightlight and her two stuffed animals. So, at the very least, JD knew that he wouldn't have to deal with her until the morning. The older four were awake, but he could tell that they were settling down. They all seemed to be scrolling mindlessly on their phones or watching videos with headphones on. It was the quietest he'd heard his younger siblings, well, ever. So, the twenty-five year old put on one of his favorite podcasts: Dugongs and Seadragons, a podcast about a group of marine biologists drinking and playing DnD. It was always so fun to listen to, and he could see him doing something similar with his buddies at his old job back in Florida. There were some days where he would give anything to go back, but this was something he had to do. This was his life now, and he was going to do his best to live it to the fullest. So, he leaned his chair back and drove, listening to his podcast as he stayed on the highway.

          By midnight, everyone was asleep. JD stayed on the road, only stopping once in order to take a bathroom break at a dodgy gas station. Starting at 5:30 in the morning, the twenty-five year old began to feel tense. He looked back and forth between the road and the car's clock, hoping and praying that another fifteen minutes would go by without an interruption. He knew that his baby sister had a schedule, and she stuck to it like clockwork. She woke up between 5:30 and 6:00 every morning. The last thing he wanted was for her to wake up in a hot, sweaty, and cramped car and start whining. He was certain Mom and Dad had spoiled her, and he was going to have to break the habit. It was 7:01am before anyone woke up though. He would've expected it to be Willow, but the first person to wake up was Grey.

          Jonah paused his podcast, but he kept his chair back. "Hey, bud. You need anything?" He asked, stifling a yawn. Grey raised an eyebrow in his older brother's direction. "Do you want me to take the wheel for a bit?" The sixteen year old wondered. JD shook his head, chuckling lightly. "I asked you if you needed anything: like a bathroom break or breakfast." He mentioned. "And I asked you if you want me to take a driving shift so you can sleep." Grey shot back. The twenty-five year old rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, dork." He assured his younger brother. "Actually, I'm enjoying the quiet." Grey shrugged and looked back towards the middle and back seats, surprised that his sisters were all still asleep. He noticed that Will still held her stuffed animals and the nightlight and reached over, carefully sliding the nightlight out of her grip. He turned it off, putting it in the storage unit between the two front seats. That way, since it was inevitable that they would have to stop to spend the night somewhere, it would have enough charge in case they couldn't get her real one from the back. JD couldn't help but scoff.

          "You know, we should stop by a dumpster and toss those stupid plushies in there while she's still asleep." He suggested, pointing his thumb where his baby sister slept. He was trying to make a joke, but a part of him hoped that his brother would agree. He wouldn't mind throwing the stuffed animals away; he felt she was too old for them anyways. Grey furrowed his brows, smacking JD on the arm. "Dude, don't. She's just a little kid." He reminded the older boy. JD punched Grey's shoulder, a fair bit harder than he'd been slapped. "Ow!" Grey hissed, trying to keep his voice down. "Hit me again, and you'll spend the rest of the car ride in a shoulder wedgie." The twenty-five year old warned. "And she's eight. It's time for her to get rid of those things." "You're such an ass." Grey mumbled, turning his head towards the window. He loved his brother and all, but he hated it when he acted like he knew everything. He wasn't even in the state when Will was born, so how could he know anything about them? He may have visited for Easter or Christmas, but that was different. His big brother would have to face the facts.

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