Chapter4 - Lightning Needles, With My Lover TW - MUSCLES WASTED, SWEARING, ANGER

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Hi everyone. I'd like to use this intro to recommend one of my favourite authors: SummerRoche7 They are a very talented writer. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter, and their story The Day I Die.

Stella's POV:

I wake to feel my wasted body slumped in a wheelchair. Luna has positioned my head and eyes so that I can look at where we are travelling. I see an IV stand, with a blood bag affixed to it, connected into my bloodstream. I feel alive, strong, and ready to face the pain of today.

I am wheeled into a room with a galaxy drawn all over the walls. Is this the Night Room she spoke about? There are no windows, and the walls look to be lightproof. Is this how I will keep awake? I hope so. She stops me in the centre of the room, unplugging the IV from my arm. She places the needle up on the stand, wrapping it around a hook.

"Electricity types A1 to E10" Her voice echoes around the room, and a table slowly comes out from the wall, with 50 needles, each with a coiled wire and a battery attached. I'm lucky that she placed my head in this perfect position.

She grabs the needle that has the label 'A1' attached and walks over to me. "Stella, I am going to use these to stimulate your muscles. It is electrically shocking them, so it may hurt."

She connects this A1 needle to my palm, and begins to shock me. Immediately, my fingers tense up and release in rhythm with the shock. I see the happiness on her face as she reaches for the other needles. "All of them now should give you enough for me to be able to help you." Well that sounds promising, Luna.

Once all 50 needles are in my body, she activates every one at the same time, filling my body with a warm buzzing feeling. The numbness in my body is finally gone. After an hour, she takes out all 50 needles. "Stand up." What the fûck Luna, I was literally immobile less than an hour ago.

But I can speak. I can actually speak. "Luna I can talk!" Her eyes light up at the sound of my voice. "Yes, it worked. Now, I will help you to stand up and walk, then you will fly and escape. Okay?" "Okay," I say, excitement flowing through my veins, "Help me please I can't right now."

She places her arms under my shoulders, pulling me out of the chair. It feels like forever since I've been on my feet. She adjusts herself so that I can be supported by her, then she begins to walk, beckoning me to follow her.

Slowly, I take a step forward. We keep doing this for another couple hours, until Luna sits me down in the chair then stands back. "Walk over to me." Her voice is filled with a mix of fear, pride and hope. I have to push, but I can slowly get to my feet. I walk over to her, each step agonizingly slow. But, eventually, I've made it. She is so proud. I am so proud.

"Darling, go to the chair and put the black cloak over you." I do as she says, noticing the eyeholes. Then, she wheels me to the edge of the room, and I look through a window in a door, through another window outside, and then I see it. That beautiful sunrise. It's the first one I've seen in years.

She waits until the sun has finished rising before pulling a blackout blind over the window. "We gotta stay in here until I can show you sunset." Okay, that sounds fair. And I assume, correctly, that I will be walking more and more.

Luna's POV: (after end of Stella's) I gotta get her to keep walking, keep repairing those muscles, keep getting ready to escape. I ask her to get out of the chair, lap the room and then sit down. We do this every 5 minutes for until she is thirsty and tired.

I grab a chair out of the wall and ask Stella if she wants to sit or stand. She chooses sit, so sits on the wall chair, while I sit in the wheelchair, connecting myself to the IV pump. Slowly, she begins to suck my blood. I try not to moan in happiness, but it shows too clearly. Guess we'll just drink. But she's enjoying it and that's all that matters.

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