~• Chapter 8 •~

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“ he actually tried to-” Dani asked. She didn’t know that her twin brother could get to this point. Maybe if she didn’t chase after the dragon and stayed behind. Maybe Dorian will be ok.. Maybe Dorian wouldn’t actually try to kill himself.
But yet who can blame. He was put to believe that dani and damien were dead. Dani knew that if anything happened to Dorian or damien. She would probably go mad as well.

“Damn it.. We should have never chased that dragon down.” Damien implied, He put his hands over his face. William moved closer to Damien and put his hands around his waist.

“Will i like how your trying to confort me but you need to get the fuck back before i throw you into a fucking curse.”

William let go and moved to the other side of the couch. Now Damien wished Will would just stay there. but he made up his mind.

“We need to get him..” Mark said

“But what if Miss Wytte basically manipulate him already?” Aisha asked. She barely knew Angela but knew enough that Angela would do anything to get what she wanted. Even if it meant traumatizing her kids.

“That's why we need to get Dorian before he gets crowned”. Damien said. Dani sat next to her brother with knees up to her head. Without even thinking Damien put his arm around his little sister. No one said anything about that.

“Oh ya damien. Will the crown affect Dorian how he thinks or acts?” Monica asked. Damien thought for a moment.
It didn’t make him act or think a different way. That was all his parents fault, not the crown

“ No, But Mother would probably put some crazy shit into his head.”

“So it has no effect on how he would act?”

“No. But from hearing, Dorian is not in the right state of mind to become king.”


“ is why mom would use dorian right now. He vulnerable at this moment”

“What if he wasn’t?”

“Then he wouldn’t let mother manipulate him”

Dani stared at the ground, her face was just blank. Spirit laid down in her lap while Carlo was just chilling on her shoulder. The Fire tongue frog was way too happy to see his Aunt and uncle.

“Dani?. You ok?” Mark asked. Dani nodded.

“Just trying to think how we can get Dorian back…”

“Wait!. Wouldn’t Miss Wytte want dani?. Since she is the queen of witches.” Will asked, his dumb brain might actually be on to something.

“Ya? What are you saying?” Damien asked in confusion.

“We can just give dani to them. And then like a day before dorian and dani get crowned she could just take him back to us”

Dani looked at him like ‘are fucking stupid’.

“I know it's crazy but it might work,” Will said again.

“Will. I love you. But what the fuck. We're not just gonna give dani over!.” Damien Yelled. No one didn’t even reacted to the ‘ i love you’ part. Witch honestly surprised Damien a bit.

“It might work though. Dani can just play pretend-” Nico said. But then was cut off by monica

“Knowing Miss Wytte, She would also try to get into Dani's head. No offense dani but you are also pretty Vulnerable”.

“Non Taken Mons”

“Don’t call me mons. Only your twin brother can”

“haha … SIMP”

“Nico you quite literally have a shrine of dani and mark. And WHY MARK!?”

“Monica he's hot!”

“Well shit you're right. But damn it make up your mind!”


“Guys we need to come up with a plan” Damien intervenes. Everyone thought for a moment until Aisha (Yes she was in the room) stood up from her chair.

“I got an idea” Aisha Proudly says.

“I say we attack when it's dorian crowning or whatever you call it.” Aisha stated.

“But how will it work?” Dani asked. Aisha thought for a moment

“We could just say that we came to kill their king. So with that threat the witches will more and likely hide dorian. So we fight while Monica goes to find dorian." Aisha said. She knew it was crazy but it was better than William's plan. Probably not though.

“Ok but why would Monica go get dorian. Should be dani?” Mark asked. Aisha looked at Nico for an answer. Nico knew what he needed to say.

“Dorian will freak out. You heard his reaction and I said dani was still alive. Well I didn't actually say she but still.” Nico says.

Dani looked at Nico. she tried to say something but yet didn’t how?. “Oh ya!. I was gonna ask if you can see into the future. See if it will work.” Dani asked. Nico thought for a moment then looked at dani. He smiled and nodded.

Monica smiled and crawled over to her nightstand and took a crystal ball. It wasn't a Master Pendragon Crystal ball. But Nico's room was in the other hallway. And monica didn’t want him to walk there.

“Here. will this work?” Monica asked. Handing over the crystal ball

“Ya thanks sis”


“What? I see you as my sister Monica”.

“Good cause I see you as my brother. Now tell me will this plan work?”

Nico looked into the ball. It wasn’t a master crystal ball but it did work. Somehow. He began to see dorian. Dorian was standing on top of a platform. Next to him was His mother and Hlida. There was also an old witch behind him, holding a big black crown with what looked to be a red crystal in the middle of it.

Dorian just stood there. He was Emotionless, just like how he was when nico visited him through that spell that dani placed on him. The crystal ball switched.
The crystal showed a flame getting bigger and bigger. It switched again to dani.
She was standing on top of a hill watching someone flying away on a broom. Away from the fire. Nico couldn’t see who the people were but judging Dani's face and the way she was standing it had to be Dorian and monica.

Nico pushed the ball away. Everyone stared at him for what seemed like hours on end.

“I think it might work. But a little bit of arson might be involved” Nico said.

“OK. Now we need to know when the crowning will happen” Will said. Damien thought that was the smartest thing he had ever said.

“ I'll just ask some witches.” Aisha said very calmly.

“And if they don’t answer?” Mark asked. Aisha Smirked

“ Cry like a child since I'm a dwarf” She yelled.

“Ok but why you?” Monica asked.

“All of you are wanted except for me and will. So its just easier for me to ask then you guys”

“Wait, I'm wanted?” Damien Asked. Pointing at himself

“Ya, i mean you did commit a crime” Dani said. She stared down at her older brother almost like she just wanted to eat his soul right then and there.

“Meeting over?” Nico asked.

“ this wasn’t even a meeting, but ya. Now all the boys are out of my room. Expect you nico. You can stay'' Monica Yelled. Basically everyone left the room except for. Of course. Dani and nico

Nico sniffed as if he was going to fake cry. “ I know I'm your favorite “. Nico said. Dani laughed.

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