~• Chapter 11 •~

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“So how is it going to work?” Nico asked. He stood close to mark. Mainly for protection since mark was a lot more stronger than him

“Just follow my lead!” Aisha said in a hushed voice. They were hiding in the woods where the road to the floating castle was at.

“So like how do we know it will start?” William asked. He tried to be as quiet as possible.

“You just wait and see tons of witches following each other,” Dani said. Monica, who was next to dani, nodded. Will managed to understand and nodded as well. It was silent for a while. Well not really. Carlo kept on making these ribbit sounds.

“Can someone like, I don't know, shut him up?” Mark asked. Dani put her hand over Carlo's mouth. Then he started spitting fire into her hands.

“Ow! Carlo!” Dani yelped. She held her burned hand in pain. Carlo took this time to run out into the road. A woman and a little boy were riding on a broom past carlo. The frog jumped onto the boy's shoulder.

“That was dorian?” Monica whispered. Dani nodded, Carlo wouldn’t jump on someone he doesn’t know.

Tons of witches started to appear. Some were riding their brooms. Somewhere running and waiting before flying.
A Lot of the witches were at the floating castle. You could hear a lot of the talking from the woods alone. Maybe it was a good time to attack?. Maybe. They didn’t know.

“Good time to attack?”

“Wait, we're only 7 people. How can we fight an entire mob full of witches?” Mark asked. Dani smirked

“I got that figured out mark” Dani replied. The speeches from the floating castle were getting louder. Dani got out of her hiding spot and walked in the middle of the road. No one was coming. She sighed and then suddenly.

“If you want to get your brother. You better hurry up kid” The cat said. It was just sitting on Dani's shoulder like nothing happened. Dani nodded.

“I know spirit” she said. Dani grabbed her broom and was ready to fly. But something jumped onto the broom. Dani screamed and caused the broom to go crazy. But she managed to keep the broom after a few minutes of it going insane.

“Gurl you need to calm down. Its just me” Aisha said. Dani sighed in relief. She looked down at the ground to see everyone getting ready to fly. Or fly with someone.

“Dani. turn me small so that way i can ride with you.” Nico asked. Dani pulled out her wand. she was shaking badly. She didn’t want to hurt or kill nico. But she had turned Nico small before. So he will be fine. She pointed her wand at nico. And then he turned small. Dani flew down low to the ground to get him.

Nico hopped onto Aisha's shoulders and Dani flew up in the air.

“You think- this is like a waste of time?.” Will remarked. He was riding with Damien (Who seemed to like it). That got Dani thinking. They were doing this to get Dorian but to be honest maybe Dorian was alright.. But then knowing their mother, she would use Dorian since he is soon- to be - king.

“Maybe. But it's better to be safe than sorry…” Damien replied.

They all ended up flying to the floating castle. But stayed away from the witches' eyes.

“So eh. How do we do this?” Monica asked. Honestly they had never talked nor thought of the plan ever since that meeting. But apparently Dani has a trick up her sleeve.
Witch is quite scary because you don’t know if she's gonna attack you with cute cuddly dogs or if she's gonna attack you with the god of death and evil himself.

“I- i actually don’t know” Dani whispered to herself. She actually never thought this far with the most stupid and normal plan ever.

“Damn it dani you said you have underneath control!” Damien yelled. Will grabbed Damien's mouth. A sign to ‘ shut the fuck up. People could hear us’. They were close to the floating castle but not that close to where witches could see them. But I can hear them yell.

“So-. Dani you said that there more.. People. Fighting?” Nico asked as he clinged onto aisha. He was way too scared to hop on Dani's shoulder. Mainly because he didn’t want to fall and also the cat could just slap him causing him to fall off.

“Oh ya! I know how we can set this plan into action!” Dani said, completing ignoring nico question. She had a devilish smirk on her face. Now that was scary as well.

“What is it?” Aisha and Mark asked. Mark was on his own broom. Damien was using some type of magic to let Mark fly on the broom.


Everyone's faces dropped and stared at dani. Dani soon burst out laughing

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