Chapter 14 | Empathic Powers

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Alex and Nathan returned to the headquarters, their minds filled with concern and confusion. As they stepped inside, Alex's dad, who was also a part of their team, greeted them with a puzzled expression.

"Where's Haney?" he inquired, noticing her absence.

Alex and Nathan exchanged worried glances, realizing that Haney had been with them just moments ago. The sudden disappearance of their teammate raised a sense of unease within them.

"She was right here with us," Alex replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But now she's gone."

Nathan chimed in, offering a possible explanation. "Perhaps she decided to head home early. It's possible that she left before us."

Despite their attempt to rationalize Haney's absence, a sense of unease lingered. Alex reached out to Haney using his powers, hoping to establish a connection and determine her whereabouts. However, there was no response, and the device that Haney used to channel her powers remained unresponsive.

Realizing that something was amiss, the trio sprang into action. They activated their tracking devices and began scouring the area, searching for any signs or clues that could lead them to Haney.

As they followed the trail, their concern deepened. It became apparent that Haney's disappearance was not a simple case of her choosing to leave early. There was an underlying mystery, and they were determined to unravel it.

Hours turned into a relentless search, with Alex, Nathan, and Alex's dad leaving no stone unturned. They questioned witnesses, reviewed surveillance footage, and tapped into their network of contacts, hoping for any information that could shed light on Haney's whereabouts.

As the night wore on, their efforts yielded a breakthrough. A witness came forward, reporting a suspicious activity in a nearby alley. Following the lead, the trio rushed to the location, their hearts pounding with a mix of anticipation and worry.

In the dimly lit alley, they discovered signs of a struggle. It was evident that Haney had been taken against her will. Determined to rescue their teammate, they followed the trail, determined to confront those responsible for her disappearance.

The path led them to a hidden hideout, where they discovered a rival organization seeking to exploit Haney's powers for their own nefarious purposes. Without hesitation, the trio unleashed their powers and engaged in a fierce battle, fighting to free Haney and bring down the captors.

Their combined strength and unwavering determination proved to be their greatest weapon. As they overcame the obstacles and defeated their adversaries, they finally reached Haney's side, freeing her from captivity.

The reunion was filled with relief and gratitude. Haney expressed her gratitude to her teammates for their unwavering support and determination to rescue her.

With Haney safely back by their side, the Celestial Guardians stood stronger than ever. They knew that their bond as a team was unbreakable, and they were ready to face any challenges that lay ahead.


Haney walked silently through the halls of the University of Elysium, her mind burdened by a newfound struggle. Ever since her rescue, she had been plagued by a perplexing phenomenon - the ability to hear voices. These voices were not her own, but rather a cacophony of different voices, each distinct and separate from the next.

As she moved through the familiar corridors, the voices echoed in her mind, whispering secrets, thoughts, and emotions that were not her own. They spoke in hushed tones, their words intertwining and overlapping, making it difficult for Haney to discern their origins or meanings.

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