Chapter 59 | Nathan's Mistake

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A Glass of Whiskey

Alex went to the bar and noticed that Nathan's friends were still engrossed in their discussion about what had happened.

"Hey, you! You're Nathan's friends, right?" one of Nathan's friends asked.

"Yes, I am," Alex replied.

"You know what happened?" the man inquired.

"Yes, I'm well aware of what happened," Alex confirmed.

Nathan's friends gathered around a table, and Alex joined them.

"Why don't we just forget about what happened and enjoy a drink?" Alex suggested.
He poured each of them a glass of whiskey, their favorite alcoholic drink.

As they raised their glasses, Alex quietly recited a spell. Within a few seconds, each of them collapsed onto the table.

The next day, when they woke up, they had no recollection of what had transpired the previous night. They were completely unaware of what had happened and couldn't remember a thing.

Alex returned to the headquarters that night with a big smile on his face.

"How did it go?" Haney asked curiously.

"Nothing to worry about, I had everything under control," Alex reassured with a grin.

As he entered the room, Alex couldn't help but break into a moonwalk, showcasing his joyful mood.

Haney found it a bit peculiar and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the unexpected dance moves.

Alex went to check on Nathan and found him still fast asleep.

"Hey, you lazy bastard! You really made me go through some crazy stuff to solve your problem!" Alex said playfully, giving Nathan a gentle nudge before closing the door.

The next morning, Nathan woke up feeling a bit groggy and hungry. He decided to go out of his room to see if there was any food left.

Nathan made his way to the kitchen, hoping to find something to satisfy his hunger.

Curious to see what his comrades were up to, Nathan stepped outside and spotted Alex and Haney engaged in intense training for the upcoming battle against the apocalypse.

Nathan walked towards them.

"Oh, our beloved alcoholic friend! How are you feeling?" Alex teased Nathan with a playful grin.

Nathan rubbed his head and replied, "I'm feeling a bit dizzy, to be honest."

Curiosity piqued, Nathan asked, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

Alex shook his head and chuckled, "Nope, you don't remember a thing. Trust me, it's probably for the best. But hey, you should go and retrieve your car from the bar and head home. And don't forget to take a shower, you're a bit stinky!"

As Nathan was about to take a step forward, Alex quickly stopped him in his tracks.
"Oh, and by the way, Nathan, I want you to promise me something," Alex said with a serious tone. "Never again use your powers in public, alright?"

Nathan was taken aback by the sudden request. "Did I...?" he began to ask, but before he could finish, Alex interrupted.

"No more questions," Alex added firmly.
Feeling a bit perplexed, Nathan nodded in agreement and watched as Alex walked away.

Deciding to put the puzzling events of the previous night behind him, Nathan hailed a taxi and got in. As the taxi drove away, he tried to recollect what had happened, but his memory remained frustratingly blank.

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