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(Hello! Im here :3 bc it's like 5Am rn.. probably gonna head to sleep just wanted to write bc I'm sick of watching "Text to speech Roblox gay slime story's" yes I watch those I have zero regrets saying that 🥰🥰 anyways- I'm sitting here.. my eyes 😡burning👹 that's why... I'm writing shout outs 😘😘 tysm to 1k+ on the story though!! It means a lot :D and a rlly warm ty to Ella/E because she's been with me for a LONG time and I'm honored to be her friend 👍👍 along with many others that I have a close relationship with! :3 but I love you guys and I mean it! 🎵love me love me.. say that you love me!!🎵 @EllaButCallMe_E , @Inurshadow , @Raininnit846 , @WillowSprinkles , @Iamsolonley12345678910 , @evqq_bt , MoonStar (@xXxbl_glxXx) , @aphmau_rulz12345 yup yup I hope you guys like my sloppy 5 am writing 😍😍(I did go to bed so the whole thing wasn't written just the first little bit))
(⚠️⚠️DRUGS, and talk of subs¡de tehee! I'm fine..⚠️⚠️)

(Lala enjoy :3)

*~Pierces POV~*
(It's like 9 for them!!)

I grabbed Ein last second! I though he died.. but no- he's... sleeping? Yeah he's taking a nap! What happened?.. the knife talk- then.. him passing out? I thought he got sleep?! I-I mean maybe it wasn't the lack of sleep... what is it then?
(Alr I'll write more in the morning before I pass out like Ein 💀💀)(update I went to bed at 6am- then woke up at 9
Am, so yay! But also?.. wth 😃😃)

But what do, I do?! I'm not going to wake him up! But.. ugh! If I just leave- he'll probably grab a knife. Then, if I don't leave... I'M GOING TO SIT HERE STRESSING THE WHOLE DAMN TIME, y'know.. maybe I'll ask my mom if I can come over in the morning instead so I can sleep here with Ein- then when we wake up talk to him about.. whatever just happened.. and we can chill, and I can make sure he's okay! Yeah- not a bad plan pierce!! Nice work me!

I pick Ein up and carry him over to the bed! I pat his head, and I lay down all up next to him!

It's only seven pm..at least he'll get sleep? I'm not to sure if that's a good thing- or.. a bad thing? I'm not sure yet.. but all I know.. is- he's not okay right now.. and I can try and fix that!! Ah!- Crap gotta text my mom-


Pierce: Hey mom?

Mother 👹: yeah what do you need sweetie

Pierce: uh- Smth is going on over here! So I was wondering if I could come over tomorrow morning?

Mother 👹: what's going on?

Pierce: Ein, he's going through smth I guess- just worried

Mother 👹: yeah that's fine- just get there before 8?

Pierce: I got you-

Mother 👹: thanks hon

Pierce: welcome- bye mom

Mother 👹: bye!!

(End of texts)

I Flop my phone down onto my lap, and lay my head on top of Ein's, I watch him closely for a bit... not sure how long just- admiring I guess.. I don't know how else to word it really! Admiring.. there's a lot to admire about Ein, tons! He's- Irene this is going to give me a gay panic if I stare any longer- just thinking about him even! But he's just.. so out of my league- I don't know how I got so lucky! Or how Ein got so unlucky by getting me.. he's so fucking gorgeous! And gentle.. bright... and-.. perfect, I honestly can't comprehend how.. he can't see that? Sure he's been through it- but.. that doesn't make him anything less! It makes him more!! He's.. become my world and.. heh- I'd do anything for him! Unless it involved giving him 'permission' to hurt himself! That's unacceptable, but as long as I can hold him like this.. I think he'll- we'll be okay..

The Two Husbands (EinxPierce)(book 2)Where stories live. Discover now