hold me

252 5 2

colby <3

once we were airborne, sam slowly started to drift off, leaning on my shoulder for comfort, i assume. he's annoying. i wonder what his favorite song is by lil peep. would i be an asshole to wake him up to ask? yeah, i would.

"sam." i punched his shoulder, receiving a wince and a punch to the gut.
"what the fuck.." sam's voice was weirdly quiet.

"what's your favorite song by lil peep?"
he looked shocked that i knew he liked lil peep.
"do what?" he asked.

i rolled my eyes. "you heard me."
"beamer boy," he said, looking away. "yours?"

he nodded. i changed the song to beamer boy for sam, and he smiled. i think he doesn't know i know he was smiling.

that's another thing with me and sam; we always hide shit from each other. if we found the other annoying, we didn't show it. if we found the other funny, we never show it. i don't know when or why these rules were made, but both of us knew these stupid rules. so why did sam smile?

"you're making it fucking hard to hate you when you put on my favorite song, brock." sam said, his voice very quiet. i rolled my eyes. "shut up."

sam faced me again, and he fell asleep. this time i wasn't as freaked out when his head found my shoulder. the song changed to nuts. i actually loved this song, too.


sam stirred on my side. he had gone from just resting his head on me to straddling my thigh and hugging my arm. i had to push up the armrest so he could climb on top of me, which i didn't mind because i was half asleep, but now that this shithead woke me up by moving so much, i realized the position we were in.

"sam, get the fuck off me." i said into his ear.

no? what?!

sam gripped me tighter, messing with me. i huffed.
"enough." i grabbed his waist and shoved him in his seat. he moaned when his back hit the wall. i gaped at him.

"did you just.."
"fuck off!" sam laughed.

his laughter died when he realized who he was laughing with.
"uh, sorry, for...sleeping on you."

"it's cool." i replied, snatching my airpod back. i put them in the case, and sam kicked me playfully.
"why are you being so nice to me?" sam asked, kicking his feet up on my lap. i never knew sam was touchy.
"we're going to be stuck together for a while, might as well keep the animosity down." i replied.

he nodded.
"it's just weird how nice you're being." he muttered back, closing the shade on the window.
"i think it would be annoying to have us fighting the whole time on this trip, it's supposed to be nice, y'know? i want to have a good time, and...."
i sighed.
"and you to have a good..time." i finally said.

sam laughed. "did your dad tell you that?"
"did yours?" i said before thinking, and despite how much i found him annoying, that was too far even for me. i regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth, because the silence was loud.

sam snapped his mouth shut and took his feet off me, looking out the window.
"i gotta go to the bathroom, move." he snarled. i moved my legs, still feeling bad that i said that shit to him.

it was just then that sam tripped over the seat, falling into me. what a fucking pleasure.

"fuck-.." i said when he fell. i grabbed his waist to prevent him from hitting anything else, and he gripped my wrists. even after he fell, he still clung to me. assuming he no longer had to use the restroom, because he stayed on me for a while.

"sorry." sam said, trying to stand up.

i reached up without another thought an grabbed his chin.
"stop saying sorry, it's fine." i said back. it kind of came out mean.

i don't think sam noticed.

"okay...fuck you..?" sam substituted, smiling lightly.

we are so on and off.


i am so lost.

word count: 710

a/n: not long! but next chapter, they get the hotel room!! <3

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