y'know that i want you

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colby <3

i stuffed the mat back into the twister box, pushing it under the deck the t.v sat on. sam and i both pushed the bed back into place, fixing the room along the way.
he was still wearing my hoodie.

"damn, i hate twister." i said as i looked out the window. the sun was beginning to set, and it was 7 pm. i looked over at sam, who was playing with the strings of the hoodie he was wearing. my hoodie. he looked up and our eyes met, and i broke it off instantly when i felt a pressure in my throat.

"y' think we should go downstairs and eat?" sam suggested, not sounding happy about eating the food here once again. i nodded, throwing on my jacket. i grabbed the keycard and shoved it in my pocket, closing the door behind us.
"elevator or stairs?" i asked. sam pressed the down button for the elevator. he was staring at the numbers above the door, and he looked so pretty. i could still see the bruise he had on his neck, though. it looked less swollen. i wanted to ask him about it so bad, but i didn't want to make things seem more awkward than they already are.

when the doors opened, sam went in after me, pushing the 1st button and mashing the 'close door' button.
"what are they serving right now?" sam asked me, i rolled my eyes.
"hell if i know."
"god, you're useless." sam groaned. considering he was still wearing my hoodie, i couldn't really be that useless to him.

when we sat down at the table, jake and johnnie ran up to us.
"hey guys, pssst!" jake leaned in to whisper in sam's ear. he said something, and sam rolled his eyes. i felt my gut twinge with jealousy, but i had no reason to be jealous. i just hated seeing sam so close with another person. god this was so confusing.

when jake pulled away, sam grabbed his arm. my stomach flipped, and i had to look away.
"no," sam growled. "don't even think about asking co-"
"colby wanna go get fucked up with me and johnnie?"
"jake! i said fuck off, dude!" sam said angrily.

jake rolled his eyes, pushing sam away.
"jeez, asshole. never mind. bye colby!" jake said, grabbing johnnie and leaving quickly.
"what are they serving?" sam asked, not sounding the least bit interested.
"no idea."
"fucking useless." he muttered, getting up to get a plate.

i rolled my eyes at his bad attitude. sam is such a bitch. and he's so hot.
he came back and sat down, pushing the plate to me. "uh, no thanks??" i said, pushing it back to him. he needed to eat something and i wasn't about to take him out again.
"yes thanks, eat it. im not." sam said, clearly upset about something.

"mmh, lets go back to the room then." i said. he raised a brow at that.
"because if you're just going to be a bitch, might as well just be a bitch somewhere else. we are also in a hotel, in case you being a bitch blocked that out somehow." i said, getting up and grabbing his wrist to take him back. he tried to pull away, so i just gripped harder.

"let me go, jacka-" he tried to say, i pulled him in front of me and grabbed his waist, holding him in place. he grabbed my arms, preparing to shove them off, but he just kept them there.
"shut the fuck up, and just be good for a couple minutes." i muttered into his ear, and feeling him tense up.

"good. now we're gonna go upstairs." i said, pushing him, my hands still on his waist.
"ok.." he whispered in response.

i pulled the card out when we got to the room, gripping sams wrist to prevent him from doing anything. i slapped the scanner with the card, pushing the handle down and shoving the door open. i closed it behind us, sam rubbing his wrist where i grabbed him. i was tempted to say sorry, but he was being an asshole so there wasn't a point.

"i hate you." sam snarled, flipping me off. i rolled my eyes.
"you're an asshole, sam." i said, stepping closer.
"fuck you, colby." he mumbled, backing up. he was a step from being against the wall.

"are you just gonna be a bitch to me after every time i do something nice for you?" i asked. his back hit the wall and he looked away and mumbled something.
"speak up, baby."
"i said piss off." sam said. his hair was in front of his face, but i could see his face was red.

"you're such a little bitch, y'know that?" i mumbled. god he was so pretty. i needed to kiss him so bad. to just feel him.
"yeah.." he breathed, looking up, his lips parted. i didn't want to ask, i want him to beg me to kiss him.

to my surprise, it didn't take long before i gave in.
"can i kiss you?" i let out.
"fucking kiss me please." sam whispered at the same time

i grabbed his waist and mashed our lips together, pushing him up against the wall, hard. he whined against my lips when his back was on the wall.
"mmfh..- colby.." he mumbled when i moved to kiss his jaw.
"you're such a pretty boy, sam." i said against his neck. he slid a hand over my arm, squeezing when i nipped at a spot on his neck. he ducked his head to catch my lips and pushed forward, grabbing my face.

slipping my tongue in his mouth, i held his waist harder. he whined into the kiss when my fingers dug deeper, his hands finding my hair and tugging lightly.

"colby~" sam whimpered, breathing heavily as i went back in to shove my tongue back into his pretty mouth.
he was so pretty, too pretty.
"how are you so pretty, sam?" i asked, grabbing his blonde hair. he looked up at me with watery eyes. he smiled, his lips red and swollen. i tugged at his hair, kissing his cheek sloppily. he leaned into my touch, wrapping his arms around me and holding on tight.

i twirled his hair in my fingers, kissing his pretty lips again.

word count: 1071

a/n: make out scenes >>>>>>>> sex scenes
also this book will only be 10 chapters 😭🙏 i can't write longggg chapters but i will write another book in our boy sammy's pov 😍

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