not a chap pls dont kill me

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hey i know damn well some of you cray mfs are DROOLING for the next chapter (i hope you are tbh) but if we gon be CRYSTALIIIIAN clear, my writing is fuck ass DUMB SHIT. so like..i kinda feel bad cuh i feel like i write good then i re read it and i'm like "who tf wrote this goofy fuckin ass shit ☠️"

trust me ik from personal experience that when a wattpad writer goes on a break or goes on a long fucking hiatus that you always expect me to come back and be like:

so my parents are dead and my brother and i got put into a foster home!! also i got hit by a semi truck two hours ago and my body kinda hurts, but it's alright! oh and the hospital ran out of pain killers so i'm kinda in a lil pain, but it's alright :)) next chap coming soon tho !!

AND TRUST i have had my fair share of wattpad writer syndrome in the past..what a couple weeks? anyway if you want a story time i'll think about it but don't fear y'all, the next chapter is coming along just really fuckin slow and i'm sorry for that 😓

actually i think if i posted a book with my 2023 year in it y'all would read..maybe

anyways, i think i alr said this but just in case i'll say it again cuh idk, this book will only be 10 chapters long. anyway goodbye and i'll catch y'all on the flip flop!!
(don't stop!!) <— it's a reference to josh hutcherson

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