i need you now

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colby <3

when the plane landed, ms. bitchface came to the back to lecture me and shitface-sam golbach, which was pretty time consuming and boring. sam kept rolling his eyes.

when she finally left, sam shoved me into the aisle to 'test if ms. bitchface would see' and she did.
all she really did was tell us that she didn't care how much we hated each other, she wouldn't move us.

he stepped on me on the way off the plane. good to know he's still a little bitch.


the hotel was surprisingly huge, and the rooms were fucking small. one bed, one bath. sam and i both groaned when we saw the room. it wasn't horrible but it wasn't exactly ideal, and i personally didn't care, but sam fucking hated it.

"how the fuck are we going to sleep?!" he said, throwing his bags down.
"simple, you sleep on the floor, i sleep on the bed." i said.
sam rolled his eyes, checking the bathroom.

"ugh, it's even cramped in here, too." sam complained, sitting on the bed.
i shrugged, sitting next to him.

he pushed me off.
"im sleeping on the bed." he said, and i smirked.
"okay, then, fight for it." i said, grabbing his leg and pulling him off.

he hit the floor with a thump and a groan, so i took the chance to climb on the bed and smack him in the face with a pillow. he got to his feet, yanking a pillow off the bed and hitting me back, smiling.

i guess hitting each other aggressively with pillows blew off steam very well because we continued to beat the fuck out of each other for a couple hours before we were panting and laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. i gave sam one last kick and he slumped to the floor, throwing his head back against the bed and laughing. he grabbed my foot weakly and tried to pull me off.

"hey! left go of me!" i kicked his arm playfully. he let me kick him, throwing his arm back down and rolling over.
"ya' know...ya aren't even that bad for someone i hate," sam mumbled from the floor. "you're actually pretty.."
he sighed.
"pretty..nice.." he finished.

"oh thank god, i thought you were going to call me pretty." i replied looking at his face while he looked away.
i got off the bed and sat next to him, taking his pillow and tossing it back on the bed.
sam rolled his eyes.

"y'know you're not half bad, brock." sam said, looking up at me.
"wowwww, thanks sam golbach."


dinner at the hotel wasn't actually as bad as i thought it would be. i was expecting half frozen chicken tenders, but they gave us steaks and salads instead. and it tasted like my moms so i was cool with it.
sam was complaining, though.

"this food is ass, how can you eat this shit?" he mumbled, shoving his plate in my direction.
"i'm not eating your food, golbach, we haven't even gotten to 2nd base yet." i joked.
"ha, ha, ha," he replied sarcastically. "seriously though, this food sucks."

i only shrugged stuffing a forkful of potato in my mouth.
"you could, i don't know, go get a burger or something from in-n-out?" i suggested.
"alone? never." sam responded, shoveling his food onto my plate.

"are we friends?" i asked randomly.
sam looked at me weirdly.
"no, never." he said. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't disappointed, just a little.

it's not like i wanted to strengthen our bond, i just didn't want to argue and fight over what color is better anymore. i wanted to be next to sam and be able to control myself, and not scream at him or cuss him out or say something as stupid as what i said on the plane earlier that day, and damn it. why did i still feel like shit for saying that?

it obviously didn't affect sam, and i hardly think he even remembers. i mean, sure he probably does but it's not like he knows what i know about him and his dad, right? im such a dick.

i really am sorry for saying that shit to sam, even if it just slipped out it was still bugging me. how is it not bugging him? it's like i was desperate to apologize.

"im sorry, sam." i said before thinking.
fuck, fuck.

why did i say that.
"for earlier on the plane..for, uh.."
i paused, not knowing what to say.

"..grabbing you."
"it's cool." was all he said.

i looked at him, and he quickly looked away.
"want to go to in-n-out now?" he asked, making a pleading face at me.
"oh for fucks sake, fine." i agreed.


the streets were definitely crowded all the time, if this was how was it is at 10 at night then it must be so much worse at 10 in the morning. sam was shivering next to me, he didn't bring a hoodie. i had mine on, but i was actually kind of hot.
i wasn't about to lend my hoodie to sam, i think i'd rather him ask to take it than me offer. i've been nice enough for one day.

"do they not have a f-fucking in-n-out anywhere here?" sam said through chattering teeth.
i shrugged, enjoying this.
"based off how long we've been walking, i doubt we have much time left."

he nodded, shoving his hands further into his pockets.
"i actually really like downtown, too.." sam said randomly.
"downtown where?" i asked.
"the song, dumbass." he muttered.

i rolled my eyes, grabbing an airpod and shoving it in his ear. i had to grab his face and turn it towards me to stuff it in. i grabbed the other one and pushed it in my ear.

"downtown, you said?" i asked, typing it in the search bar.
"y-yeah, downtown. also, asshole, you know you can hand it to me and not shove it in my ear." he mumbled the last part.
"okay, st-st-stuttering sam."


it was 1 am when we found the in-n-out, and it was 1:30 am when we found the bus station.
"this was s-such bad idea." sam said, his nose and cheeks pink from the cold.
i smiled, seeing him like this was funny. he surprised me, he didn't ask for my hoodie yet. frankly, i was hoping he'd become more desperate sooner so i could take this shit off and hand it over to him because i was too fucking hot under it.

"you cold, sam?" i poked fun.
"no f-fucking shit, a-asshole. where is this d-damn bus?"
i laughed. "it's probably, like, right around the corner or something."

he nodded, rubbing his hands together and stuffing them back in his pockets.
i pretended not to notice how he got closer to me.

the headlights of the bus shone in my eyes, making me squint. the bus stopped, so i grabbed sam's waist and got on the bus.
"rosewoods hotel and resort, please." i told the driver.
he nodded.

sam was freezing, still. the bus had no a/c, and it was probably colder in here than outside.
i tried my hardest to ignore that sam was nearly burying himself in me to keep warm.

"you want my fucking hoodie, say it."
"give your fucking hoodie to me."
we both said at the same time.

sam looked away as i smirked, knowing i had won.
"sure, sam. you can have my hoodie." i said, taking it off and pulling it over his head.

"again, asshole, i can put it on myse-"
"shut up."


since the counselor said this area was sketchy at night, sam was clinging to my arm like a bitch.
"never knew you were the touchy type, sam." i joked.
"you aren't my type."
"oh yeah, what is your type?" a dad? i thought, but i didn't dare say it.

"anyone but you."

word count: 1357

a/n: hey loves <3 next chapter is a surprise!! ^0^ so, maybe i'll update later, buttttttt no promises. i love yall babes x

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