a blessing in disguise

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fair warning - this chapter is the longest one so far :3

colby <3

sam rolled his eyes after answering my question.
"why do you wanna know anyway?"

i looked away.
"blackmail." i lied, pushing him off me.

"bitch." sam muttered, shoving his hands in my hoodie. even though i was supposed to hate him, i really wanted to know what he would look like in my clothes.

we crossed the streets quickly, rushing into the hotel and getting in the elevator to go up to our room. sam pushed the wrong button.
"are you fucking kidding me right now?" i groaned.
"fuck off, im sorry." sam replied harshly.
"you dyslexic or some shit? god you're so fucking stupid." i shot back rudely. i have no idea why im arguing and picking a fight with sam right now. he didn't really do anything.

sam looked away.
"well ya fuckin' seem like it." i mumbled loud enough for him to hear, earning a solid punch to the stomach from the blonde.

when we finally got to the room, sam leaned against the doorway, waiting.
"what?" i asked, annoyed.
"the key, you fucking dumbass."
i patted down my pockets, pulling the key card out of my back pocket and slapping the scanner with it, then slapping sam with it.

"bitc-" i slapped a hand over his mouth, shoving him against the wall.
"shut up, sam. you'll wake people up with all your whining." i sneered. i had no idea why i wanted to argue with him so bad. he was so pretty it pissed me off, and i really wanted to ruin him right then.
what the fuck..?

grabbing his waist, i shoved him against the door, opening it and pushing him in the room. the door closed behind us. i threw him on the floor and sat on the bed.
"what the hell was that for?! you're such a fucking asshole!" sam argued, shoving me off the bed.

"don't fucking yell at me, you piece of shit."
"i'm not fucking yelling!" sam yelled.
"what are you so upset about?! you're being so fucking annoying!" i shouted back.

sam scoffed.
"YOU. you're being a fucking bitch!" he shouted.
"oh i'm the bitch?! who's the one fucking screaming at me for nothing?!" i'll admit, if sam had grabbed my waist as many times as i'd grabbed his, i'd be pretty fucking pissed too.
"god do you ever get enough of yourself?! how many time have i tried to put you back in place?!" sam was actually pretty pissed off, more than usual.

"let's count! zero!" i mocked.
"fuck you! take your fucking hoodie back, i don't get why you bothered tryna be nice if when the first chance you get you turn around and be an asshole towards me. fuck you." he said, pulling the hoodie over his head. he tossed it towards me and stormed off to the bathroom. the door was closed. and locked.

"don't you fucking walk away!" i shouted, throwing the hoodie on the bed and following him.
"can you just fucking leave me alone, colby?! god, you're so fucking nosy it's infuriating!" sam said.
"why?" i was genuinely asking, this is how we fight almost everyday.

"just..please." sam whispered.
"ok, fine." i sighed.

i went back to the bed, sitting down.


eventually, i think i fell into a light sleep when i sat down. i was awoken by a door closing, and i glanced at the clock.
it was 4 am.

i heard a thump and shifting around below me, so i peered over the edge of the bed. immediately i saw the prickly blonde, his thick hair a mess.

"why aren't you asleep?" i muttered.
"try cuz im currently on a cold, hard floor." he replied.

actually, sam as a whole was a mess. his hair was messy, his eyes were watery and he was shaking. but he could also just be cold.

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