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Humanity has a history of about 3 million years. It was not until the 16th century that Vesalius established the basis of modern anatomy, allowing people to understand the structure of the human body. In the 1820s, people synthesized aspirin, the antipyretic and analgesic miracle drug; in the 1840s Anesthesia began to be used in surgeries in the 1990s; even the deep brain stimulation surgery they are currently studying only officially began to be used in clinical treatment in 1991. Every step that mankind has taken is the result of continuous accumulation of generations, or even dozens of generations, and it is never easy.

Why didn't Su Wei An understand this? She couldn't help but said to Gu Yun Zheng: "Sometimes I really regret why I met you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't care so much about those failures, because I won't be responsible for the future. I have such a strong yearning for my own life, and I won't want to grow old with you so much."

But failure after failure kept reminding her that she probably couldn't do it anymore.

Gu Yun Zheng looked into her eyes and said angrily: "Don't say such words again, because for your sake, I always feel that your appearance is the beam of light given to me by God."

Su Wei An raised her head and looked into his dark eyes. She felt as if her heart had been burned by fire in the cold deep sea. It was cold and warm at times, and her nose felt a little sore.

Just listen to Gu Yun Zheng continue: "For An An's sake, let's get married!"

There are many difficulties and dangers on the road of scientific research. If they really reach the final light, they are lucky. If not, at least she still has him.

not good.

Su Wei An answered like this in her heart.

But before he could utter a single word, tears started to flow down her face again.

He stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from her face, held her face and forced her to look at him, his voice almost tempting: "Promise me."

She shook her head.

He moved closer to her and repeated, "Promise me!"

She tried hard to look away, took a deep breath, and shook her head with difficulty.

Gu Yun Zheng was two points closer to her.

He pressed the tip of his nose against hers and repeated firmly: "Promise me!"

From time to time, people passing by looked at them in surprise, but he didn't care at all, he just looked at her seriously, as if as long as she didn't agree, he would not let her leave here, and he would keep asking again and again.

Su Wei An finally couldn't respond.

It was her heart that compromised.

Gu Yun Zheng smiled from the bottom of his heart. He took out a ring box from nowhere, opened it, and quickly put the ring on her hand. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the fact that everyone was in a good mood when she finished her speech to celebrate. He proposed.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei An's mood immediately collapsed after her speech, but fortunately, they reached the same destination by different routes.

He held her hand, intertwined his fingers with hers, and said, "If you wear the ring, you are mine. Don't regret it again."

Su Wei An choked, but still didn't say a word. She just looked down at the ring on her hand. The joyful but mixed mood made her heart feel heavy, but the next moment she felt light.

The whole person was picked up by Gu Yun Zheng and spun around in a circle. Associate Professor Gu, who had always been calm, cool, calm, calm and abstinent (crossed out), made such an unsteady move.

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