47💞 ( rut ? )

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previous episode....

jk: i have doubt on mrs. kim... i don't care even if she is tae's mom... if my doubt got confirmed... i will torture her till death but will not let her die.... she will beg for death but no she will not be allowed to die... and if anybody tried to intervene then it won't end well for them too...

he said making all of them shiver with the seriousness of his words... and mrs. hana got scared cause jk wasn't looking like he was joking... or he will forgive... he was surely looking like a beast... an untamed one.... well now when tae is unconscious who is even gonna tame him....


jk's each word was dripping with dominance which make everyone's knees to buckle.... they all felt weak... but because jk was not intending to make anyone feel like that his dominance was somehow tolerated by all of them.... except for lisa , who was a normal omega... as she almost fell down on her knees if not for jennie who held her at the right time... you know mate reflexes .....

the situation was surely very serious but still it was important for them to calm jk at this particular time... cause if kook lost his control then none will ever be able to stop him from doing whatever he was up to... the only who held power above kook was himself laying unconscious on the bed...

they all wanted to say something to somehow stop jk from any tragic action he was about to take... but neither anyone had the guts to do so nor a valid excuse by which they can do so....

jk was about to take his steps towards the door to go to mrs. kim

duh he will not teleport all the time... god has given two legs to him also 😂

but at that time suga's brain's bulb worked and it started glowing... not practically but yeah he got an idea...

suga: kook ... wait...

suga immediately said... stopping kook who turned back with a ' don't you dare to even try to stop me ' expression on his face...

jk: hyung am not gonna stop... so don't even try...

suga: kook it's not like that... but i have a really important question...

jk gave suga a ' does i looks like a fool to you ' face ... but still hummed... signalling suga to continue...

suga: kook what about your rut ?

listening this jk's every stern expression feel from jk's face.. and a confused expression covered his face... and he asked with confusion..

jk: huh?.. what do you mean hyung .. ask clearly....

suga: tae has got his heat after meeting his mate... but you didn't got your rut even after marking tae... why is that so.. are you on some sort of rut delaying pills...

okk .... so now i think atleast 1-2 among you might be thinking why jk didn't got his rut...
although i am sure not many of you remember about what all i had mentioned in the info and intro chapter ....

suga: look if you have done that then you can't do it anymore... it will effect your health... you shouldn't do it anymore... we can't afford to have you fallen sick... you being safe and sound is really important at this moment.... not only for us but also for tae ..... actually it's mire important for tae..... or maybe us only important for tae... but... maybe it us important for us also.... but...............

and suga continued his ramblings... he was just somehow trying to stop jk... because and untamed beast that also the most strongest or what you call as unbeatable one.... is not something you would like to see... isn't it ?....

others were dead shocked seeing the person who doesn't speak even when it's necessary and ignore everyone like they are the invisible ghost of... 'me and the ghost in my room' meme...

jk: hyung calm down....

suga zipped his mouth and stopped his ramblings...

jk: hyung i am a blue moon you don't understand how does it works for us... now do you ?.... and i haven't taken any delaying pills.... and do you really think these low level drugs can help me...

nj: suga hyungs question was valid... and if these drugs doesn't works on you then why you didn't got rut.... huh...?

jk: that is because I've never shifted to my wolf form ..... what i am trying to say is that my wolf has never came into his wolf body... he has always stayed in my brain and my human body... thus he can't feel any sexual needs... and as rut is mainly about the sexual needs of the wolf... i haven't got my ruts yet... hope it's clear now....

nj: okkk..

jk: now now now.... let me pay a visit to my in laws...

he said with a dark expression.. and here suga and all other knew they can only make him get late but today nobody can change his decision... he was determined ..... now there was no benefit in even trying.. by now they all knew it...


to be continued......

i know it was really short.... but i have my exams going on... and also am not feeling well.... so cooperate with it... in next episode it will be something really hot.... or maybe something really cold....

i talked about this topic in this chapter as this question was there in my mind ..... if someone didn't got it you can ask me .....

hope you liked the chapter...

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