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Where are we going anyway?" Donna asks watching the road go by in the dark. I was hoping to avoid this question until we pulled up, and she got mad.

"Umm... Well, you know the abandoned orphanage just past the lake? Well, we are going there" I say looking away.

"Are you crazy!! Do you remember what happened last time?! Aimee, I can't believe you! But I should have guessed, in your bag just there, it's our old board isn't it?" She says angrily throwing her arm in the direction of my black backpack.

"Maybe. Look I am sorry but they said a year with no interference it has been longer than that. Plus I asked the boys along just to be safe" I rush to say before she demands we turn around. "Plus if you get scared Alec is here for you to run to, I'm sure he won't mind" I murmur.

"This has nothing to do with me being scared it has to do with our safety plus Cassie's, she never would have agreed to this and you know it."

"Actually..... She is meeting us there" "Ow!" I say rubbing my ribs where Donna has lashed out.

"Fine but if I am right I reserve the right to say I told you so" she huffs, her yellow, brown eyes shining in the moonlight.

"Sure, sure whatever," I say, brushing it off.

I look at myself in the side mirror of the car. My blonde hair straightened, and my blue eyes were shining with excitement. My pale skin has a kind of glow to it in this moonlight. I look at Donna, her brown skin shimmering and the long dark hair blowing in the wind down her back. I have always admired her, she can be so calm in the middle of a storm. Me, I am more act now think later, I mean don't get me wrong Donna can be mental sometimes, but she can take a lot in without being too rash. One of the many qualities that drew me to her on my first day at my new school.

We pull up outside the gates. "Holly shit" Alec utters, " This place gets creepier and creepier every year I swear."

I look up at the towering gates, you know the ones you see in movies that pretty much scream STAY OUT!!! My cup of tea I think smiling to myself pushing the gates open.

From the road, you can see nothing but from the gate you get a good look. It's a three stories high building, red brick, arch windows and big double doors right in the centre. I bet it must have been beautiful until that little girl went missing. The whole town searched for days, but no one ever found her. I have seen pictures of her at the local library; she was beautiful, only six years old when she went missing. Long blonde hair that went to her waist, big green eyes that look right into your soul and a happy grin despite it all from ear to ear. A year after her disappearance there were reports of the nuns going crazy hearing little Lila call to them and seeing her in hallways. Then one morning when one of the nuns were checking on other orphans she went crazy and killed a little girl before scratching her eyes out. They ended up having to shut it all down. Now it's overgrown with vines, and the old play set it rusty as hell the whole house has stood blackened by dirt and dust. All except Little Lila's room hers stays perfect and hasn't been touch by any of it. My kind of room I think rubbing my hands together. I grab Donna's hand and try to pull her to the gates, but it's like she is frozen. I understand her fear. A year ago we went and visited another rundown house outside of town, another of my brilliant ideas, and things got really out of hand. You see although I have been around spirits my whole life I allow myself to open up my third eye just a little too much making me an easy target for possession. Long story short I got possessed and starting acting crazy and talking in tongues and scaring the shit out of both of the girls. They called in a special friend, and I was back to normal with a warning to stay away from that side of my life for a year. A whole year! That's like not having the internet for a year. I somehow managed, and since I knew I could go back to it, I have been looking for the perfect first mission.

"Come on Donna it will be fine," I say trying to pull her.

"Are you even listing Aimee? Don't you hear them anymore? Or are you choosing to ignore them you know they hate it."

"No I hear them but they say the same thing every time, don't go in evil awaits blah blah blah."

"And so far they have always been right," she says, looking me in the eye.

"Look I am going in, with or without you."

"Fine you implosive twit! But I am warning you something bad will happen."

"Ok cool," I say, "let's go in."

We start walking up the driveway towards the orphanage. I must admit it's a little creepy with the gravel crunching under my Nikes. I should have worn jeans like Donna, it's starting to get cold. Not really singlet and jean shorts weather. I am thinking about my clothes and what I should have worn when I hear a noise in the bushes ahead.

"What the..?" I start to say when I see a pair of eyes shining in the bush.

"Shit!" I yell as I push Donna out of the way, and it lunges towards us.

To be continued....

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