Walking dolls

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Aimee's POV

I stand there in shock just looking towards the wardrobe.

"How... Who.. Why?" I stammer.

" I told you not to open it; I said it was a bad idea but no, don't listen to the rational person" Donna says shaking her head at me.

"Ok so you were right, that doesn't help with what we should be doing now."

"Ok guys lets just think ok" Cass says, "We know that eventually we need to bury these three girls, we know that we need to help Lila but we don't know how."

"And that something really bad happened but not what," I say

"I might have a little insight to that" Donna practically whispers. Cassie and I whip our heads around to look at Donna.

"What? What happened?"

"Well before I ran upstairs because I heard Aimee scream, I was quietly sitting on the stairs down the bottom when that weird brown haze came back. Only it wasn't like before, this time the rest of the orphanage stayed the same it just hazed around these four people. One I recognised as the nun from before, and the other three looked to be other girls from the orphanage."

"What like staff?" I interrupted.

"No like orphans. The oldest looked to be 16, and the youngest was probably 10 or younger and they were fighting about something. The nun lady walked into the basement and left them there and from what I can gather they were being forced to do what the nun said."

"Ok so the nun being bad is definite, but who are these other three girls and out of a whole orphanage why them?" Cass says, looking towards the door.

"Did they say their names?"

"Um, yea it was um... Alana, Ayla and um... Bella, I think."

"Ok so now we know who."

"Oh and one was like 'do you want to be the one down there' or something and the little one seemed so scared to be there."

"Well we will go check it out after we work out how to get these three girls from here to there," Cassie says pointing to the front yard.

"Alright, well how about we use the blankets and sheets from the three end beds because I am not touching a dead body with my bare hands" I suggest.

"Good point" Donna says.

We all make our way to the beds to start stripping them of the sheets and blankets. Just as we are almost done, we hear a weird shuffle and scraping noise.

Shuffle shuffle scrape... Shuffle shuffle scrape...

I pick up the torch and slowly start to scan the room trying not to startle whatever is making that weird noise. I eventually manage to locate the noise, and I see the weirdest thing that has happened since we got here. Halfway to the door I see the three dolls dragging the blonde one behind them trying to escape the room.

"Oh. My. God" Donna utters leaving her mouth hanging open and cringing "I hate dolls."

Cassie and I exchange worried looks as we watch the dolls head towards the door but then they seem to hear a noise and quickly shuffle towards the beds.

"Oh god," Donna says jumping out if the way as all three dolls move their little legs as fast as I'm sure they go. They each hide under what I am sure must be their beds. The blonde under Lila's, the little red head under Helen's, the brunet under Finlay and finally the tallest under Gretta's bed. Cassie, Donna and I huddle together in anticipation looking towards the door. After about two minutes, we decide that even if the dolls did hear something it's gone by now.

"I really want to look under the bed, but I really don't want to in case one of them jump out at me."

"Donna you watch too many movies" I laugh

I bend down and look under Helen's bed and grab the now lifeless doll.

"See everything is fine" I assure her. Just as Donna bends down to grab Lila's doll I yell 'Boo!'

Donna screams and hits her head while I laugh my head off.

"Aimee don't do that," Cassie says, shaking her head at me, "You'll give her a heart attack."

"Bitch," Donna says scowling at me while rubbing her head and picking up the doll. I am dusting my doll off as Cassie picks up the other two.

"Now what?" I say

"Well, we could move the bodies or we could go to the basement."

"Let's go basement and bury the girls as we leave yea?"

"Sounds good" they both agree.

We put the dolls in our bags and pick up the board and candles before piling the sheets and blankets near the wardrobe and heading for the door. We slowly make our way to the stairs again in silence all lost in thought and too scared of whatever made the dolls run to whisper even.

Cassie's POV

We slowly edge towards the stairs looking out for broken boards and sharp edges. I have no idea who was whispering to me in the room because as I started to look around they were gone. I haven't seen anyone since I saw, who I now suspect to be Finlay, walk towards the desk and write that poem right after the board. We are just about to reach the top stair when we hear a huge animalistic roar rip right through the whole building. We all grab each others hands and run down the stairs and into a door and slam it shut and lock it.

"What the hell was that?" Aimee whispers.

"I have no idea but shut up in case it comes back" Donna replies.

We sit there in silence for a good five minutes waiting for it to roar again but hoping it has left. Eventually, I whisper "do you think it's gone?"

"I fucking hope so."

"Should we look?" Donna whispers.

"I guess."

We slowly start to unlock the door cringing every time it makes even the slightest noise. I slowly start to push it open and timidly look out.

"It seems to be all clear," I say looking at them both.

"Hello ladies," a male voice says loudly from behind us making us all jump and run from the closet.


Sorry, I have been sick and lacking inspiration. I will update sooner I promise. Xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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