Prologue: Arrival of Another Phenex Clan Member! Riser's Secret?!

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is the Prologue to this story and this story was requested by AntunesCintra so shout outs,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Issei P.O.V

"At an academy called Kuoh where one of the students named Issei Hyoudou who is now a devil and a Pawn with Rias Gremory along with others after fighting the Fallen Angels to rescue Asia Argento. It's night time where Issei fails another pact and is on his way back to the Clubroom with bad news.....................
Issei: " Another pact I fail, if this keeps up I will not become a high-ranking Devil and won't have a Harem."
.....................Issei suddenly sensed something to look right at a city view trying to zone in on it.....................
Issei: "What was that all of the sudden? It was like a Stray Devil, but something else. Probably nothing. It's probably Rias being pissed at me."

3rd P.O.V a location in Kuoh in a warehouse that was empty until something crashing on the ground with a groan heard revealing a Stray Devil. Footsteps are heard heading towards it reaching for the person until a sword stabs it in the arm making it scream in pain.....................
????: "This is what you get for betraying your master, you become a disgusting freak. And for that it's game over for you."
.....................he snaps his fingers with ash seen from it with the Stray Devil being engulfed in flames with screams of pain heard until thunder comes from the sky completely incinerating it, footsteps are heard behind the person slightly turning their head.....................
????: "Yes?"
???? 2: "Riser made his move and arriving tomorrow at the Clubroom to claim his marriage for Rias."
????: "Then we make our move now."
.....................they disappear headed to the place they're living until tomorrow.....................

Issei P.O.V

.....................Issei arrives at the Clubroom to walk in seeing everyone standing up getting ready for a fight confusing him.....................
Issei: "Hey, what's going on?"
Rias: "We got news of another Stray Devil on the loose, we must handle it now."
Issei: "Alright!"
Akeno: "Actually we don't have to. *they look at her* The Stray Devil has already been taken care of."
Issei: "What?"
Rias: "Who killed it?"
Akeno: "Not sure, but whoever did it was extremely strong. Took care of it in seconds."
Issei: (Seconds?! Who would be that strong?)

3rd P.O.V
Timeskip-Two Days Later

.....................after two days things has been weird with Rias like the night before today she wanted Issei to take her virginity for some reason, next day it was revealed that she is going to marry the next head of the house of Phenex, Riser. But, Rias has no intention of marrying him which led to a serious confrontation leading to Grayfia saying it'd lead to a Rating Game to determine the wedding. Riser summons his peerage showing he has a full set leading a jealousy from Issei.....................
Riser: "My dear Rias, why is this one crying?"
Rias: "He wants to have a harem?"
Riser: "Really?"
Ravel: "Seriously? That's gross."
Riser: "Yubelluna."
Yubelluna: "Yes."
.....................she walks up to him for the two to kiss as he reaches for her breasts, until a mysterious chuckles can be heard.....................
????: "You truly are a sick pig Riser. In front of people, even your own fiance?"
Riser: "Who's there? Riser demands you show yourself!"
.....................a Teleportation Circle appears which matched Riser's with flames and a bird sound heard..............
Issei: "Great. Another one if his family members."
.....................another symbol appears above it with thunder and lightning coming from it heading to the symbol with it combining.....................
Grayfia: "Oh. It's him."
Riser: "Impossible!"
Rias: "What the?"
.....................Ravel's eyes widen knowing as well with the symbols merging with someone appearing to be a guy with (H/C) hair with a blonde streak and when he turns around his eye color is a (E/C). He smirks looking at Riser while he is shaking in fear.....................
????: "Long time no see."
Issei: "Who is this guy now? Another member of Riser's family?"
Grayfia: "This is (Y/N) Paimon and yes he is related to Riser, but he isn't full blood of the Phenex Family, but another."
Rias: "Paimon? That means-"
Grayfia: "His mother is from the Phenex Clan and his father is from the Paimon Clan, he posses not only the Phoenix, but also the Paimon's power of thunder and lightning."
Asia: "What?"
Kiba: "Someone from the Phenex and Paimon family? That would make him-"
Grayfia: "The strongest devil of his generation."
Issei: "Strongest?"
.....................he sits on the couch with Akeno bringing him a cup of tea.....................
(Y/N): "Thank you."
Akeno: "My pleasure."
Riser: "Why did you come here? Riser demands you tell!"
(Y/N): *takes a sip from the tea* "Who do you think you are? Just because we're family doesn't mean your higher than me."
Riser: "Riser is better! You haven't been seen in years and you show up now? Riser is the next head of the Phenex Family."
(Y/N): "Just because you're the next head doesn't make you stronger, even starting to show up claiming your marriage to Rias. Which by the way, *looks at her* it's an honor to finally meet you Rias Gremory."
Rias: "Same. Anyone from the Paimon Family deserves the respect."
Issei: (This guy's pretty chill.)
Riser: "Riser understands now. You're here to take Rias as your fiance! Not a chance against Riser!"
(Y/N): "Now why would I do that? I have no intention of that, like she said it's her choice who she can marry."
Issei: (Okay. He's cool.)
(Y/N): "But, you Riser might have to change your plans."
Riser: "What do you mean?"
.....................instead of answering he simply snaps his fingers with the same Transportation Circle he arrived in with two people seen.....................
(Y/N): "This is my Rook, Cristaldo de Montague-Capulet and the other is one of my Pawns."
.....................Riser looks up seeing the two until his eyes widen seeing who the Pawn is, someone he never expected to be a boy at fourteen years old.....................
Rias: (Who is that boy that has Riser scared? He looks familiar.)
Issei: (That kid has Riser shitting his pants. I wonder why.)
Riser: "No. That's-"
Grayfia: "Who is this boy?"
(Y/N): "Riser's secret he has been keeping. Meet Rico Phenex, his son."
.....................everyone's except Riser's and another's eyes widen in shock finding out the boy is Riser's son Cristaldo helps him sit next to (Y/N) while looking down with Issei looking at him curiously making him realize.....................
Issei: "Hey, he can't see anything."
Koneko: "Issei's right. He's blind."
Ravel: *eyes widen* "What? *walks next to him, kneels down* Oh my goodness."
Rico: "A-Are you Ravel?"
Ravel: "Yes. It's me. Can't believe I have a Nephew."
Grayfia: "What is the meaning of this Riser? A son before marriage?"
Riser: "Wait, Riser can explain!"
(Y/N): "Explain? So, you had a son who was five months born prematurely you abandoned because of his blindness is with me. More so, Cristaldo here has been a perfect fraternal figure for him. Including his mother."
Grayfia: "You know who the mother is?"
(Y/N): *points at Riser's peerage* "It's Marion."
.....................everyone looks at her seeing her look away avoiding eye contact while Ravel who is steaming with anger stands up.....................
Ravel: "What the hell? Marion?!"
Yubelluna: "When was this?"
Marion: "It was just in the moment, okay? Riser needed to vent off and led to what happened between us, I got pregnant, I told him and kept it a secret and yes he was born five months early leading to his blindness, so he forced me to give him up saying he was a mistake!"
Ravel: *looks at Riser* "What the hell Riser!"
Marion: "And also he got rid of him cause it would stand in his way of marrying Rias!"
Grayfia: "Riser you know this will have complications with your wedding. Lord Lucifer will have to know about this."
Riser: "Riser made a small minded mistake and you say this will be complicated with Riser's wedding with Rias? This boy doesn't deserve to be the son of Riser cause he was born blind!"
Issei: "You dickhead!"
Asia: "How can he be so cruel?"
.....................(Y/N) looked at him with malice in his eyes igniting on fire with thunder and lightning around it, he extends his arm his way launching him into the wall, he chokes to slightly opening his eyes series transparent phoenix claw coming from his.....................
(Y/N): "There's things I hate when it comes to something like this, one is a dead beat father who disowns his child cause of something out of his control! You truly are a disgrace. Next head of the Phenex family my ass."
Cristaldo: "My King."
(Y/N): "Oh, yes. *lowers his arm causing the transparent claw to disappear* Sorry about that."
???? 3: "I'd say it's entertaining."
.....................everyone looks to see where the voice is coming from with a random guy standing there arms crossed.....................
(Y/N): "What the? Who are you?"
Rias: "My question exactly."
Curtis: "I am Curtis Blackburn, I am a High-Class Devil and a Supreme Being, much better then the three here who are the next heads of their families. Arrogant I say."
Riser: "Who are you to call arrogant?"
Curtis: "I'm a higher class than anyone here, intact I believe I'm stronger than the Lord of the Underworld. But, mostly I believe I am the bastard son of Rias's mother cause I possess the Power of Destruction. I am not to be- *(Y/N) punches him in the face* Oh! What the hell?!"
(Y/N): "Look. If you were somehow related to Rias, I doubt it. By your personality you're a Mythomaniac, so can you kindly get the fuck out of here."
.....................Curtis growls in anger until he disappears, he returns to the couch to comfort Rico after hearing what his father said about him while Ravel hugs him.....................
(Y/N): "And since the kid you make fun of is also my family that makes me more angrier, you're definitely the asshole I heard about."
Grayfia: "With this turn of events I will gladly notify Lord Lucifer and see what he decides. But, from this reveal the wedding is on hold."
.....................she disappears with Riser growling in anger with him and his peerage leaving, except Ravel since she wants to know her nephew with everyone looking at (Y/N).....................
Rias: (Why did he show up to interfere with Riser? Did he intend to stop the wedding between me and Riser, but to what motive?)
Issei: "Hey um, (Y/N) right? *he looks at him* If it counts, but thanks."
(Y/N): "You are welcome. After that *stands up* I believe it's time to take our leave. If there's any changes I'll be there to hear them. Let's go you two, you're free to come with us Ravel."
Ravel: "Of course."
.....................he teleports with everyone with him back to where he is living leaving the curious group in their clubroom wondering what is next."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this Prologue. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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