Chapter 1: The Meeting after the Reveal

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is Chapter 1 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"After what happened with the reveal of (Y/N) as well more shocking is that Riser has a son with one if his peerage Marion it was called to have a meeting between the families of Gremory and Phenex. They decided to meet to discuss everything wedding wise. After some time Rias and everyone of her peerage arrives to see everyone at a table seeing Sir Zechs at his chair.....................
Issei: " Hey Rias, is that?"
Rias: "Yes. That's my brother."
Asia: "Wow. Rias's brother and also the King of the Underworld, this is an honor."
Issei: "And the others is Riser's family?"
Kiba: "Yeah. That's them."
.....................they stood next to Sir Zechs with him looking at them, after that Riser and Ravel appears with Marion with angry on Riser's face. After some time (Y/N) appears with Rico helping him to the table to stand in the middle of the floor looking at everyone.....................
Sir Zechs: "(Y/N), it's an honor to finally meet you."
(Y/N): "It's an honor to also meet you *bows* Lord Lucifer."
Madam Phenex: "It's been some time (Y/N), and I believe this is my grandson?"
(Y/N): "Yes. It is, Rico that is your grandmother."
Rico: "My grandmother? Hi."
Madam Phenex: "My grandson. I can't believe Riser did that."
Lord Phenex: "Riser! How could you have a child with a member of your peerage and just abandon him like that? And don't say what you said at Miss Gremory's Club Room, it's despicable and sickening!"
Madam Phenex: "I would have to agree, Ravel what about you?"
Ravel: "I was happy that I found out I have a Nephew, but was baffled at what Riser did. If (Y/N) didn't have him in his peerage he wouldn't have been lost."
Sir Zechs: "I to am angry for what he has done, finding this out I don't think we should have the wedding between my sister and him."
Lord Phenex: "Just for that I agree, the wedding between the two is cancelled for what he's done and he will have no choice to marry Marion."
Riser: "I admit Riser messed up, but me and Rias are destined to be together! You can't just-"
Lord Phenex: "Silence! *he stops talking* You dishonored us for what you did, but to also bring up. What about my grandson?"
Sir Zechs: "I would say he would go with you, but I believe the choice goes to Rico."
Madam Phenex: "Rico. What do you say?"
Rico: "I-I-I do want to know my family, but (Y/N) has been there for me and I don't want to leave."
Lord Phenex: "For that, very well. Since (Y/N) is half-blood member of the Phenex Clan, I'll allow it."
(Y/N): "I'll be sure to visit with Rico when I can."
Madam Phenex: "Of course."
.....................Riser growls in anger knowing it's now over with the wedding between him and Rias looking at the two that ruined it. Clapping is heard with everyone to see Curtis walking in with a smile on his face while clapping.....................
Curtis: "Bravo. That's what I like to see with everything ruined for Riser."
(Y/N): "You again?"
Sir Zechs: "Curtis Blackburn if I remember? This is a private meeting and you can't be here."
Curtis: "Aw, is that anyway to talk to your possible brother?"
Sir Zechs: "I highly doubt you are related to me, this is a private meeting you aren't apart of. So, you must leave."
Curtis: "I'm afraid I won't."
Riser: "Riser has had enough of your stupidity thinking you're a member of the family. *approaches him with fire in hand* You're a fake and you will never-"
.....................he was interrupted with Curtis shooting an attack at him launching him back into the wall with a destructive looking attack making Riser scream from repeated attacks. Everyone goes to intervene, but a Phoenix looking fire arrow heading towards Curtis hitting making him fly back sliding on the ground. Everyone was shocked to see who it was that did the attack; was Rico Phenex who did the attack shocking and amazing everyone from what he did.....................
Rico: "I may despise my father for what he dis to me, but no one will try to kill him. Don't ever harm my family again."
.....................Riser grunts in pain sitting up to be shocked to see his own son defend him from Curtis, (Y/N) pats his shoulder until he walks up to him while Curtis gets up slowly in pain.....................
(Y/N): "That was a great display of your power Curtis, but if you want to display more of it how about a Rating Game. One between you *leans to his face* and me. And we'll see if you live up to your claim."
Curtis: *grunts in pain, stands up straight* "You want a Rating Game? You want to go against me? You're on! You better bring everything you got cause I won't hold back."
(Y/N): *smiles, chuckles* "I expect the same from you."
.....................Curtis teleports away from everyone shocked that a Rating Game is now happening with everyone going back to their homes.....................

Rias P.O.V

.....................after returning from the meeting happy that the wedding between her and Riser is cancelled, but also shocked that a Rating Game between (Y/N) and Curtis is going to happen. They know two of (Y/N)'s peerage members, but not the rest along with not knowing who Curtis's peerage is.....................
Issei: "So, this Rating Game between (Y/N) and Curtis is going to happen?"
Rias: "Yes. My brother allowed it and it will take place in a month, so obviously (Y/N) will be training with his peerage."
Koneko: "I have a feeling it will be destructive between those two."
Rias: "And also Curtis displaying the power he has, I don't think it's my family's power. It's something else."
Kiba: "Yeah. Same."
Issei: "That guy obviously has a problem with his ego and it's worse than Riser's."
Koneko: "For once I agree with the pervert."

(Y/N) P.O.V his home (Y/N) is meditating in his room with Phoenix Wings shown, with lightning and thunder in an orb in his hands merging with the flames. He focuses more with thunder going into one wing and lightning into the other, he focuses more with the wings getting bigger until his meditation was interrupted with footsteps behind him.....................
(Y/N): "Yes?"
????: "So, this Curtis Blackburn is who we're going against in the Rating Game?"
(Y/N): "I never heard of him before, but he showed his power at the meeting and it's definitely nothing related to the Gremory Family. So, he must've learned the power or he trained, he'll prove himself at the Rating Game."
????: "So, we train for a month? *he nods* I also heard that Rias and her Peerage might visit and if it happens, trouble might happen."
(Y/N): "No need to worry. Once they hear the reason of what happened that time ago, I believe they'll listen."
.....................he stands up dispersing the wings turning around looking at the person who he's talking to, is another and newest member of his peerage:

he stands up dispersing the wings turning around looking at the person who he's talking to, is another and newest member of his peerage:

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(Y/N): "There's no need to worry Raynare, once we tell them what really happened. I'm sure they'll understand."
Raynare: "I still can't believe it. I have nightmares of what has been in my head, and I just want it to end."
(Y/N): "It will. I'll make sure they will know, you will be okay."
Raynare: "I know. I trust you."
(Y/N): "Good. Now we must train, let the others know."
.....................she nods and walks out to let everyone know with (Y/N) balling his hand into a fist with flames coating it with thunder and lightning. He continues to train to get ready for the rating game alongside his peerage."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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