Chapter 5: Meeting Irina and Xenovia

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 5 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Cristaldo P.O.V

"After (Y/N) decided to stay in Kuoh after the Rating Game against Curtis to hang out with everyone after school, he still doesn't have the intention of enrolling. Right now Cristaldo is in the city right now with Rico to know the city, they went to stores as well got ice cream while continuing to walk around. Cristaldo looks around until his eyes land on two people wearing white robes with one having something wrapped in cloth until he had an uneasy feeling.....................
Rico: " Cristaldo, why did I just sense the presence of a holy power?"
Cristaldo: "Rico we need to get back to (Y/N), two people from the Church has arrived in Kuoh."
Rico: "Okay."

(Y/N) P.O.V the home (Y/N) set up for him and his peerage to live at where (Y/N) is seen in the kitchen getting ready to cook with the help of Kuroka. The door is heard opening and closing which he sees Cristaldo and Rico walk in.....................
(Y/N): "Cristaldo, Rico how did your day go?"
Cristaldo: "I think we got a situation (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "What's wrong?"
Cristaldo: "While me and Rico were walking we noticed two people wearing white robes, one of them had something wrapped in a cloth. Me and Rico felt it, they were from the church and they have Holy Swords."
(Y/N): *eyes widen* "Holy Swords? I'll talk to Rias, maybe she knows something."
.....................he teleports to Issei's room to see Rias sitting there with a worried look until she looks at him.....................
Rias: "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"
(Y/N): "Cristaldo was showing Rico around the city until he saw two members of the Church were walking around, they have Holy Swords. What's going on?"
Rias: "Those two want to meet with us tomorrow in the clubroom to talk about something, I'm not sure what it is. But, we'll see."
(Y/N): "I'll be there."

Timeskip-Next Day

.....................after sometime (Y/N) arrived to see the two members of the Church sitting on a couch with Rias on another with everyone behind her with the two looking at them.....................
????: "Who is this now?"
(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N) Paimon, the next head of the House of Paimon."
???? 2: "Hey, I heard about you. You're also part Phenex Clan, you use fire, thunder, and lightning, you're strong from what I heard."
Xenovia: "Is that so? I'm Xenovia."
Irina: "And I'm Irina Shido."
(Y/N): "I believe this conversation is over?"
Xenovia: "We were just about to leave."
.....................they get up with (Y/N) moving out the way until Xenovia looks at Asia.....................
Xenovia: "I was wondering visiting the home of (Y/N) (L/N) would lead us to you. Aren't you Asia Argento?"
Asia: "Um, yes."
Xenovia: "It made sense I would run into a witch in a place like this." *Asia's eyes widen in sadness*
Irina: "Oh my goodness, it is you! You're a former saints he became,e a witch! I heard that you were banished because you had the power to heal Fallen Angels and devils, and that one time you actually used it! You must be pretty strong! I didn't know you'd actually become a devil yourself."
Asia: "Well, I um--I guess so."
Issei: "Are you okay Asia?"
Xenovia: "Of course she's not okay, she went from being a saint to being a devil. That's about as far as one can fall."
Rico: "Shut up! *they look at him* Asia is the nicest girl to ever live, what she went through should've never happened!"
(Y/N): "Calm down Rico."
Xenovia: "And what makes you think of that child? She's a witch and a traitor."
Rico: "You claim that, but who's the real witch here? The Holy Sword Project, I was told of what happened. How do we not know there's kidnapped kids being forced to be put through suffering because of your people? You're the rotten ones here for that!"
Xenovia: *eyes widen in anger* "Why you-"
.....................she goes to approach him, but (Y/N) forms a fiery bird hand to grab her throat making sure not to burn her.....................
(Y/N): "Don't you dare approach him like that again, I don't care where you came from. You know what I agree; Asia is a good person with an amazing heart despite being a Devil. No one like you has a right to insult her, keep that up and you will suffer."
Irina: "Xenovia, that boy is blind. I know he's a Devil, but it's wrong to strike someone with his condition. I'm sorry for my friend."
(Y/N): "You're she protected you." *removes his hand from her throat*
Xenovia: *rubs her throat* "I won't pursue this further."
Kiba: "This is perfect, I'll take all of you on."
Xenovia: "Who are you?
Kiba: "Your superior. Nice to meet you."
Rias: "Kiba?"
.....................after that Kiba and Issei decided to fight the two leading to them losing and after that Kiba walks out with (Y/N) curious on what's going on.....................
(Y/N): "Rias, what's wrong with Kiba?"
Issei: "The school was having their annual cleaning of this building, so everyone decided to meet up at my house. My mom came in with a photo book and Kiba saw a picture of me and Irina when we were kids."
(Y/N): "Irina? The girl that was from the Church?"
Issei: "Yeah. He saw the Holy Sword in the picture and he just started acting weird, apparently from what Rias told us he is a survivor of the Holy Sword Project."
(Y/N): *eyes widen* "Kiba? A survivor?"
Rias: "They decided to kill the kids, but he escaped with the needs of vengeance against Excalibur. The reason those two are here is because some Holy Swords were taken, by the leader of the Grigoris, Kokabiel."
(Y/N): "A Leader Class Fallen Angel? He took it? And they're going after them?!"
Rias: "Yes, and there was also an incident last night of a Priest that was killed. He was killed by Freed Sellzen, a Stray Priest. The reason those two wanted to meet with us because they don't want us interfering in the matter."
(Y/N): "If Kokabiel does anything to destroy this town I won't have a choice, but take him down myself."
.....................after that (Y/N) is back home with Rico sitting on the couch with (Y/N) getting concerned for him, he goes to him and sits down next to him.....................
(Y/N): "Hey, you okay Rico?"
Rico: "I didn't like what that girl said to Asia, she's too nice to be talked down like that. I couldn't keep quiet, I'm sorry if I was out of line."
(Y/N): *smiles, places his hand on his shoulder* "You did nothing wrong. You were protecting a friend, so don't worry about it. And I know Asia appreciated what you did. But, this whole thing with Kokabiel does have me worried, when he strikes; we'll be ready."
Rico: *smiles* "Yeah."

???? P.O.V

.....................outside of Kuoh someone is walking from the forest until that person reaches a clearing seeing the town in the distance after a long travel to the destination.....................
????: "Kokabiel is not going to destroy this town, I won't allow it. Xenovia, Irina, you won't fight this battle alone."
.....................he jumps in the air to disappear to start preparing for a fight for the town of Kuoh."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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