Chapter 4: Explanation, The Fall of Curtis and Reconciliation

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 4 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"It's been some time after the Rating Game between (Y/N) and Curtis ended with everyone standing in the clubroom waiting for them with (Y/N) appearing with Kuroka, Cristaldo, and Rico with Curtis appearing as well. He has anger on his face until he looks at Venelana causing him to smirk.....................
Curtis: " Venelana. How nice to meet you, I know I failed at winning the Rating Game. But, I won't fail again as your-"
Venelana: "I'm not your mother *his eyes widen* and you're not related to the Gremory Family in any way."
Curtis: "What? No, that's impossible. I have this destructive power and I have to be! I'm sorry I failed-"
Venelana: "Your power isn't the same as Zeoticus, Rias, and Zechs! You were born with a dangerous power and it's not related to us. I'm sorry Curtis, but I'm not your mother and you aren't my kid's brother, you're not apart of our family. Not even everyone of our other relatives, so stop with that ego!"
....................Curtis felt so much pain in his chest looking down sad, he looks at everyone while they look at him. He breathes hard until he slowly gets angry from finding out the truth and bursts through the door to walk out.....................
(Y/N): "So, it's true?"
Zeoticus: "Yes. It's true. It must've been the power he has and after finding out he has to be watched so he doesn't become a threat."
(Y/N): *looks at him confused* "A threat? How?"
.....................Sir Zechs told him about Curtis's power and related to a dangerous threat that is so dangerous it is a danger to the Underworld shocking (Y/N). From how he beat him in the Rating Game, Curtis doesn't know the extent of his power making him want to train harder if he ever attacked. Everyone goes home with (Y/N) staying before he went home.....................
Issei: "Not gonna lie, you were pretty badass at the Rating Game. Never thought combining thunder and lightning would make a strong attack."
(Y/N): "When born from the Phenex and Paimon family you don't know what kind of abilities can be unlocked and used. That was one of my strongest attacks, I have plenty more."
Issei: *chuckles* "Don't want to be on the end of that attack. But, I was thinking maybe you should come to Kuoh Academy. It'd be fun to have you around."
(Y/N): "Sadly I don't have intention, I'm the next head of the family so I obviously have good learning like homeschooling."
Issei: "Oh, okay then."
(Y/N): "But, that doesn't stop me from hanging out with you guys."
Issei: "I guess that wouldn't hurt."
.....................they chuckle until (Y/N) looks to see Riser standing in front of Rico for him to fast walk towards him in case he goes to hurt him. But, Cristaldo stops him moving his arm in front of him.....................
Cristaldo: "Hang on (Y/N), I can tell that this is different."
Riser: "Rico. *kneels to his level* Riser wishes too apologize for the wrong I have done you for years, I was focusing more on my ego instead of being your father. The mistake that can't be taken back for years and Riser is ashamed, even forcing your mother to it. What Riser is saying son is, I want to be the father you should've had years ago. Can you give your father another chance?"
.....................(Y/N) looks at his face seeing sadness since it's been years for that and he was deciding, Riser looks down to stand up and walk away only for Rico to grab his shirt sleeve to stop him which he looks at him.....................
Rico: "I am still angry for what you did to me and you know I have every right to be. But, you're still my father and I'll give you one chance."
Riser: *smiles* "One chance is all that Riser needs."
.....................everyone smiles with (Y/N) also smiling for Riser's choice with everyone going home.....................

(Y/N) P.O.V
Location: Underworld, Paimon Family Home

....................after (Y/N) returned home he went to the training room wearing a gym style uniform to train focusing on the flames around his body along with thunder and lightning surging around his body merging the elements. He focuses more until he nearly falls over to catch himself to breathe hard in exhaustion stopping the power around him.....................
(Y/N): (Not even close enough.)
Kuroka: "Still trying?"
(Y/N): *looks to see Kuroka and Raynare standing there* "Yeah. I know I can do it."
Raynare: "What's going on?"
Kuroka: "You know his family? One from the Phenex Family and the other the Paimon Family? *she nods* From that he has fire, thunder, and lightning with his powers, but also was gifted with the special power; a Sacred Gear."
Raynare: *eyes widen* "A Sacred Gear? *she nods* What is it?"
.....................he raises his hand to summon something which was an orange colored gem:

(Y/N): "I was gifted this when I got older and the moment I touched it I felt more power along with a bond, it bears the power of a Phoenix

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(Y/N): "I was gifted this when I got older and the moment I touched it I felt more power along with a bond, it bears the power of a Phoenix. I can still use it, but for that to happen I need to match the power this has, but try to merge thunder and lightning with it. I do have a feeling something is missing."
Raynare: "You'll figure it out one day. But, you really need to rest after the Rating Game."
(Y/N): "You're right."

Timeskip-A Week Later

.....................after a week of the Rating Game, there has been no sign of Curtis since the truth has been told to him giving concern. But, (Y/N) is at the school gate of Kuoh Academy waiting with Rico with the students looking at them.....................
Random Female Student 1: "Who're they?"
Random Female Student 2: "Don't know, but that guy is cute."
Random Female Student 3: "That kid is cute too, maybe that's his little brother."
.....................he knew Rico is feeling embarrassed from what the girl said which he pats his head to calm him down. He sees two girls walking his way to immediately recognize them as Sona Sitri and her Queen Tsubaki Shinra until they looked at the two.....................
Sona: "(Y/N) Paimon. It's an honor to meet you."
(Y/N): "The honor is mine Sona Sitri, and you must be Tsubaki Shinra."
Tsubaki: *bows* "Hello."
Sona: *looks at Rico* "And you must be Rico Phenex."
Rico: *bows* "It's nice to meet you Miss Sitri."
Sona: "No need to be formal. What brings you two to Kuoh Academy?"
(Y/N): "I became friends with everyone of the O.R.C and after some time me and Rico decided to start hanging out with them. That's not a problem right?"
Sona: "No. No problem at all, you're welcome as a guest whenever you want."
(Y/N): "Thank you."

Sona P.O.V

.....................after the conversation with (Y/N), Sona and Tsubaki continued walking to the school to the school president office.....................
Sona: "Someone born from the Phenex and Paimon family, the b power he radiates."
Tsubaki: "He won against that Curtis Blackburn and has the title strongest devil of our generation. He must be that powerful."
Sona: "From what we saw against Blackburn, I have no doubts."

(Y/N) P.O.V

.....................after meeting Sona with the approval to enter Kuoh Academy. They both waited until it was time and now they are headed to the clubroom with Rico holding his hand. He stops walking shifting his eyes around getting a feeling he knows.....................
Rico: "What's wrong (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "I just got a feeling."
Rico: "What kind?"
(Y/N): "It's nothing little guy, come on. Asia is going to love to see you again."
Rico: "Okay."
.....................they continue to walk at the club room to hang out with everyone there for the rest of the day."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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