Chapter Fifteen

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"I can't believe you agreed to go to this party just because of a pretty face and a couple of puppy dog eyes," Corset snickered as she sat me down on the chair by the vanity in my mom's room. My mom was laughing in her closet, digging through the dresses she had recently bought for me but never thought I was going to use them. "You know this beta of yours can't be your mate, right? What's the point in leading him on?"

"I know, and I'm not leading Beck on. If anything, he's the one leading me on. He's way too good at flirting. I mean, he asked me out so casually," I sighed as Corset gathered my hair in her hands, plugging her curling iron in. She was set on me looking my best for my first party since I got back, and so was my mom. My dad wasn't home, so thankfully, I didn't get a reaction from him. "I'm not thinking about getting serious with him anyway. I just want to have some experience talking with guys before I try to get into a real relationship. He knows that I have to have an alpha mate."

"Alright, just don't let it go too far," Corset sighed.

"I won't! You don't have to worry," I scoffed, shooting her a frown in the mirror. "He can't even produce that many pheromones as a male beta, so I'm in no danger of going into heat or getting sick. I'm responsible, you know that."

"We know, and we trust you," my mom said, coming out of her closet. She held a beautiful flowy white dress in her hands, with a pair of thick tan leggings on top. The dress seemed like it would probably reach just above my thighs. The sleeves were thin, and the neckline was V-shaped.

"Uh, won't I freeze in this? I know the snow's stopped, but it's still icy outside," I raised my eyebrows as Corset began to curl my white hair. "Don't get me wrong, it's gorgeous. I just don't want to freeze to death."

"Not to worry, these leggings--which will blend in with your natural skin tone, may I add--are thermal, and I can get you a jacket to go with the dress! Robin said the party's also going to have a huge bonfire in it, so that should warm the space up as well," my mom said proudly, laying the dress and leggings on her bed. "Let me find you a jacket to go with the dress and grab my makeup. Oh, and I got you some inhibitors while you were out today, so I'll bring you one of them. Corset, you're in charge of finishing her hair."

"I'm already halfway done," Corset smiled, focusing on twisting a strand of my hair around the hot rod. She was insanely fast at this.

My mom nodded and ran to her bathroom to grab her makeup first. I smiled, thinking of how funny it was to see them so excited. "So, do you think I'll be okay with all the other pheromones around? I know I have the inhibitors, but I'm not exactly too sure that they'll work if there's too much around me."

"You should be fine. Everyone knows that it's impolite to let their pheromones loose, other than the few pack druggies, and I don't think they'll be there. There's no alcohol, and it's a mixed party, so they can't do much but sit around and talk if they go. The omegas would probably kick the bunch out if they started emitting too many pheromones anyway," Corset said, unplugging the curling iron from the wall and setting it down on the vanity. "There. Done."

Before I could get a good look at myself in the mirror, my mom came rushing in with an inhibitor in one hand and her makeup bag in the other. She immediately twisted me away from the mirror and handed me the inhibitor with a big smile. She glanced at Corset. "Her hair looks amazing!" Then she looked at me again, tapping the pill in my hand. "Put this in your mouth and let it dissolve while I put on your makeup. It'll last longer if you take it that way. It might taste horrible, but it's worth it. Trust me."

"Yeah, okay," I nodded, tossing the pill in my mouth and letting it sit on my tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut as a sour taste filled my mouth. "G'woss." I gagged.

"Yes, I know. Just bear with it," my mom sighed, tilting my head up. I got used to the inhibitor's taste halfway through my makeover, but somehow, it still tasted horrible.


As I gazed into my mother's full-length mirror after I got dressed and my mother was finished with my makeup, my attention was immediately drawn to the ethereal figure staring back at me. My hair, a cascade of pure white, fell in soft waves around my shoulders, reminiscent of freshly fallen snow. The pale strands framed my face adorned with delicate features, a canvas painted with care. My amber eyes--outlined with mascara, several shades of brown eyeshadow, and a light layer of black eyeliner--held a warmth that contrasted with the coolness of my hair. Against my flawless peach skin, the contrast of white hair, red lipgloss, and amber eyes created a striking and enchanting combination. My slim but fit body was covered with a beautiful white dress that hit an inch above my knees and sleeves that covered just a few inches of my shoulders. The warm leggings I wore looked like my own skin, especially with my black boots on to cover my feet and ankles. Other than my arms and shoulders, I felt toasty warm.

"Wow, you guys really know how to put a girl together." I raised my eyebrows, impressed as I looked into the mirror with a pleased smile. "I don't think I've ever dressed up this much in my life. I look so different."

"You look beautiful," my mom smiled proudly. Now, Corset got the door for Beck and Robin a few minutes ago, so they're waiting downstairs for you with your coat. Corset also gave Robin one of your inhibitor shots just in case an emergency came up, but I don't think it will. Do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm all good to go," I smiled, hooking my arm through hers as we walked out of the room and headed down the stairs. She let me go when I reached the bottom, claiming she had to go visit my dad at the Chief's Lodge.

When I walked into the living room, Beck and Robin had two completely different reactions. Robin took one look at me and started laughing, but the moment Beck saw me, his eyes lit up like a lovestruck puppy.

I decided to deal with Robin's fit of laughter first, smacking him on the shoulder. "What's so funny? Stop laughing at me."

"No! You look good, it's just...I've never seen you look so girly before," Robin sniffled, wiping his watering eyes. "It's kind of funny."

"Shut up," I mumbled, turning to Beck with a smile. "You look nice." Beck did look amazing. He had the same gorgeous face, but now his hair was styled, and his clothes were more clean-cut. He wore a new pair of dark denim jeans and a long dark brown jacket with a white turtleneck underneath. He looked as good as ever. Why was I such a sucker for this pretty face?

"You look beautiful," Beck grinned, tugging at the end of my curls. "I like your hair."

"Thank's. Corset did it," I smiled with a short sigh. "So, are you guys ready to go?"

"Yeah, the party started about twenty minutes ago, so we are going to be fashionably late, as planned," Robin smiled, closing his eyes with a nod. "We can just shift until we get there so we can stay as warm as long as possible."

"Great idea," Beck agreed. "Let's head on out."


Hey, guysssss! Thanks for reading yet another chapter of Claws! I hope you liked it! I'm excited for the next couple of chapters, where the real drama beginssss^--^

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