In the Beginning

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Now Playing (from 1:07): Infinite White by Steve Jablonsky

In the beginning, there was nothing except for the First Star. Alone in the vast, dark expanse, the First Star envisioned a sky filled with stars like itself, and so, it gave its light away and spread it across the night, thus illuminating it and giving birth to the universe and all life as we know it.

To protect its creations and ensure the cycle of life would continue for eternity, the First Star entrusted individuals iron-willed and pure of heart with fragments of its essence — starlight — as protectors of the universe throughout the ages. These individuals would come to be known as Star Guardians.

Powerful and striking, these Star Guardians are living supernovas who vanquish the terrors of the galaxy with wondrous powers. However, their fantastic existence comes at a cost: they are bound to the First Star's cause and must fight until they perish or fall. They do not age, nor do they die a natural death. Their existence is destined to end as furiously as they shine.

Scattered around the universe in small teams, Star Guardians protect the planets and star systems they are assigned to by blending in with the local populace, only ever revealing themselves when trouble rears its ugly head. However, to ensure they never lose sight of the mission, the First Star appointed one of these Star Guardians to lead and command the rest. This individual would come to be called the Commander of the Star Guardians.

Steadfast, virtuous, and loyal to the First Star and its cause, the Commander of the Star Guardians embodied what all Star Guardians should strive to be. For eons, they valiantly led the Star Guardians in their everlasting fight against the forces of chaos and evil, serving as a beacon of light and hope for Star Guardians and the innocent alike. However, like all Star Guardians, the Commander of the Star Guardian is destined to burn as furiously as they shine. Therefore, they must find and train a worthy successor to take on the role should they fall in the line of duty. 

For five generations, the Commanders of the Star Guardians forged a great lineage of Commanders, each one being more successful in their own right than their predecessor, until one day, the Fifth Commander and her chosen successor were both struck down in battle. Mortally wounded, the Fifth Commander and her successor appointed one of their fellow guardians as the Sixth Commander, who promised to take care of the Star Guardians after their deaths. 

However, without a mentor to teach him what it meant to be the Commander of the Star Guardians, the Sixth Commander found himself unprepared and overwhelmed by his newfound role and struggled to lead the Star Guardians as his responsibilities and the expectations of his predecessor weighed down on him. Not wanting to break the promise he made to his predecessor, the Sixth Commander did all he could to live up to her legacy. Unfortunately, his obsession with it only caused him to become reckless and push away most of his peers with his ever-growing authoritarian leadership. By the time he realized the errors of his ways, it was already too late.

The Battle of Vekaura-4 was the Star Guardian's most devastating defeat against the Void. One hundred twenty-five teams of Star Guardians led by the Sixth Commander fought valiantly against the Void. However, only seven guardians walked out of it alive. Wracked with guilt over the crushing defeat and the devastating loss of life, the Sixth Commander took off into the night and was never seen or heard from again. His disappearance left the Star Guardians leaderless and further demoralized, and all attempts at finding him proved futile.

Some say he died shortly after he disappeared in an epic battle against a giant space kaiju. Others say he became a Fallen and now serves as an agent of chaos, fighting against his former comrades as a mindless monster feeding off of their negative emotions. But on the distant jungle planet of Dalaria, the home planet of his predecessor, the Sixth Commander spends his days living as a reclusive hermit in exile as atonement for his failures as Commander of the Star Guardians. 

For the past eight centuries, he lived an uneventful and peaceful life, sometimes helping lone, injured Star Guardians who find themselves seeking refuge on Dalaria once in a blue moon. Though he was content with living the rest of his life in exile, destiny, however, had other plans for the Sixth Commander.

This is his story.

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