Council meeting

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A figure dressed in a white cloak snuck past the guards at the entrance. The guards could clearly see it pass by, but none acted and just watched as it disappeared past the gates of the castle.

The servants who ran into it would give it their greetings before going their way, but the figure still tried their best to not be sighted too much. Although, it wasn't doing a very good job.

Some of the newer staff, who were still being trained and were always accompanied by a senior, would ask who that person was and why they were behaving in such a way, quickly getting hushed as they pointed at the crest displayed on the back of the figure's cloak.

A pair of golden wings.

The symbol of Colborn's royalty.

The symbol of the Queen.

"You're meaning to tell me that's the Queen?" the older maid nodded.

"Then why is she sneaking around? Isn't this whole palace hers?" the new maid whispered, making her senior smile "She's probably trying to avoid Miss Polaris's wrath, also..." she glanced at her "She seems to be headed towards the kitchen, possibly to steal a snack right under the chief's nose" she chuckled, her and the new hire resuming their tasks. 

And sure enough, the Queen did reach the kitchen, her eyes searching the place and soon locking on a large jar placed on top of a tall shelf. She scanned the surroundings, making sure no one was around, but why would there be someone at this time anyway? It was lunch break after all, and the cooks tended to spend it in the great hall with the other servants.

She calmly walked towards the jar, it was too high up for her to reach, but that wasn't a problem, for with a snap of her fingers, the glass container was a moment later on the counter. She opened it with a loud clunk, her hand digging into the jar and pulling out a slimy snail, alive and fresh, with the shell still on. She twirled the small animal in her hand for a few seconds before pulling it out of its home and eating it. Snails were considered a delicacy in Colborn, especially among avian people, who were particularly fond of them.

To them, due to having a various diet, very similar to birds, snails were what a human child would consider a candy, sweet and succulent, with a loving lingering taste. The smaller they were, the sweeter they tasted, and the Queen loved to eat those small animals, so much so that the chief had to start hiding their supplies from her, for she would wipe out their reserve the second she got her hands on them.

And sure enough, before she realized it, the jar before her was now empty and the counter covered in snail's shells. 

"Oh dear..." she mumbled, noticing that there was still one small snail left "Well, it's rude to not finish..." she made up an excuse to not feel guilty as she grabbed the small animal.

"Your Majesty" the Queen let out a yelp of surprise, throwing the small snail behind her back out of reflexes. She knew exactly who that voice belonged to, and she knew she was in big trouble now. 

There was just one more problem to add to the pile now.

The voice came from behind her... where she had just thrown that poor snail.

As she turned, she had to use every ounce of self-control to restrain herself from laughing at the sight of her trusty knight glaring at her with a snail slowly trailing down her frowned face.

"H-hi Polly, what b-brings you here?" a few snickers escaped her despite that. 

The knight, on the other hand, was impassible, she took off the snail from her face and continued.

"I have specifically requested you stop calling me that several times before, your Majesty. We have been searching for you for a month now" she gritted her teeth "Where in the world did you go this time?"

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