The Sages

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"Mary" the maid cracked the door to the drawing room open, not entering "Yes, my Queen?" she didn't even peek inside, limiting herself to listen "Prepare a guest room with two separate beds, the Mephistophke princesses will be staying as our guests for the time being, send a letter to Lord Kyron to warn him, and tell Liam to prepare a light meal for upset stomachs"

"Understood, shall I notify the King and Queen as well?" a hurried whisper could be heard, as well as some shuffling "No need, Kyron will deal with them just fine. Oh, one more thing, tell the librarian that she'll need to have two tiers 3 keys made by tomorrow and have them at the ready, she'll receive a visit in the early-" there was a chuckle "Sorry, late afternoon" the maid smiled "I shall do as ordered" and quietly closed the door behind her, letting out a sigh as she went to search for the butler, Sebastian, finding him on a nearby balcony, smoking a cigar while admiring the sunset.

"I've told you countless times to stop smoking while within the castle grounds" she scolded, but the man didn't even flinch, nor did he turn to acknowledge the maid's presence, all he did was smirk and let out a sneer "As if you could boss me around, little lady" breathing out another puff of smoke.

"Stop calling me that, do I need to remind you that I'm four years older than you?" she said crossing her arms as he turned around, staring her down from his towering height.

"And yet you remain small" he teased back, putting out his cigar and cutting out the burned part, placing the rest away in one of his inner pockets "So, what do you need?" he knew the only reason why Mary would ever look for him first was if either she needed something done, or the Queen was looking for him.

"Her Highness has requested the librarian to have two tiers 3 keys made by tomorrow, I trust you can deliver said message properly while I prepare the guest room for the princesses" Sebastian frowned "The princesses are staying overnight? I thought they would never trust anything our Queen gave them after that snail tea" they both shuddered at the memory, recalling a distant time when they too, had unbeknownst tasted the gooey and earthy texture of that cursed tea.

"Well, it seems she's found a way to convince them, so, can you do it? The library will close soon" Sebastian scoffed "Who do you take me for?" Mary responded without missing a beat "A stuck-up alcoholic with a smoking and gambling addiction who doesn't know when to quit" he shot her a glare "Wrong" he snapped his fingers, a pair of black fairy-like wings appearing on his back "I'm the fastest flyer around"

"You're the eleventh fastest, get down from your high horse" he pouted "Well, I am the best magician around!" and again, Mary answered back "Also around the tenth, now stop your whining and get moving, you've got maybe ten minutes before it closes" Sebastian grumbled a few curses under his breath before rolling his eyes and taking off, quickly flying towards the direction of the library.

One of the many peculiarities of Colborn was, in fact, that very library.


As always, our Queen was never great with naming things, and after the time she named the newly-discovered short-distance teleportation spell "Blink", the council decided to pass a law that dictates that only those who discover or create a something new are allowed to name it, that's how we saved our street lights from being called "Stick lamp".

Anyhow, Memorium is what other kingdoms would call a royal library, it is the largest and most furnished one in the whole kingdom, surpassing in age even the one in the elven kingdom, Ylls Tirion. The peculiarity of the library was that not only it contained an unfathomable amount of books, but memories as well.

This is majorly thanks to the first Sage, a talented human wizard named Daven, now known in the books as "The Sage of Knowledge", who appeared almost three millennia ago in our lands and graced us all with his endless wisdom. Many believe that he was the one who taught our Queen everything there was to know about magic and arcane spells, others say they were good friends, often facing off in magic duels to prove who was the strongest, and others again say that there was more that met the eye between the two.

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