Wake up

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It's dark.

I'm scared, I don't like the dark.

Where am I? I can't see anything.

How did I end up like this? Think! Think!!

Wait... why can't I recall anything? 

Why can't I remember how I ended up... wherever this is? 

Why can't I... remember my name?

Who... am I?

Did I lose my memory?  

Did I die?

Is this the afterlife? Or is it perhaps... hell?

I can hear my breathing, and even though it's ragged and unsteady, it must mean I'm alive... right? Ok, let's calm down and think this through rationally.

I can feel my hands touching something soft, cloth-like. I can feel warmth and, from what I can perceive, I appear to be lying down.

Am I in a bed perhaps? Is this why it's so dark? Because it's nighttime? Or perhaps the curtains are drawn? But then why can't I remember who I am? Is it because I'm asleep? Because this is a dream?

That would explain a lot of things to be fair...

Can I wake up? How do I wake up? Should I try pinching myself and see if it works?


Why can't I move?

If this is my dream, then I should be able to move freely, so why can't I? 

Something's wrong.

Something's off.

Why can't I move?

I'm scared. 

Please, let me wake up.

I have to wake up.

This has to be a dream.

This can't be reality.

I can't already be awake.

I can't move.

I'm scared, please.



Wake me up!

A light knock could be heard resonating throughout the room, which made the woman gasp in surprise, soon followed by the sound of a door opening and closing, quiet footsteps approaching. She closed her eyes in dread, too frightened to think rationally. She braced for pain, shouting or anything that could have come her way any moment now, but none of those things came. As the silence dragged on, she sheepishly cracked one of her eyes open, only to be blinded by the strong light piercing through the darkness, filling the room with a soft hue of warmth.

"Good morning my Queen, did you have a pleasant night's sleep?" Sirius hummed with a smile, tying the curtains to the side of the window with a golden rope "You have a packed schedule today, so the chef prepared a bountiful breakfast to fill you with all the energy you'll need" his cheery mood was contagious, as he managed to raise the Queen's spirit, making her smile subconsciously. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, collecting her thoughts.

"Thanks, I... will be out in a moment..." Sirius noticed her wavering voice and was quick to take his leave. From the moment he had become a Star apprentice, eleven years ago, to when he officially overtook his former master's position, he had been given strict and severe rules about how he should behave around her Majesty.

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