A Tyrant's tale

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"Alex! Alex wake up!" Alex was startled awake by a voice, which soon turned out to be Lucas's "W-what?! Where?! Who?!" he asked confused, still half asleep, his eyes darting left and right in search of any sort of danger.

"No time to sleep! The best part of the festival will start in just a few hours, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss it! Come on!" he dragged him off the bed, not bothering to check if he was ready to stand or not.

He wasn't.

He very much wasn't.

The proof was the passionate yet firm connection his face made with the wooden floor, letting out a loud "thunk" noise.

"Oh, sorry" he chuckled "Are you ok?" Alex just glared back at him, holding his throbbing nose "I was before you came in" he said annoyed "What's gotten you so excited this early in the morning" he looked out of the window, seeing that the sun was already high up in the sky.

"It's almost lunchtime mate, we decided to let you sleep in, seeing how beat up you looked yesterday. But you can't miss the fight! That's the main thing and I'm sure you'll love it!" a yawn escaped him as he walked back towards his bed, where he had left his clothes beforehand "Alright fine, I'm coming along, just give me a minute to get changed"

"Sure thing, we'll wait for you downstairs, don't forget to wear your-"

"I'm not wearing that damn bowtie again" he snapped back, making Lucas snicker "Fine, but wear the bracelet at least, you can't attend the Fire Flower Festival without wearing something red" he added before closing the door behind him, finally giving him some peace.

Alex changed quickly, grumbling angrily under his breath as he put on the little ornament. It's not like he hated it, he just didn't like to be forced to wear things, especially that cursed bowtie. And between the two, he'd take the bracelet anytime.

"At least it's not as ugly" he mumbled, glancing at it, the small stones encased flickering into the light. It was rather minimal for a present, with no precious stones in sight, just common pebbles that had been polished enough to make them look shinier. It was the present a child would give, not an adult, and surely not an experienced merchant like Freya.

He was expecting at least one or two precious stones encased in it, but as he inspected it closer, he found none whatsoever. 

Just common pebbles.

Common, shiny pebbles.

Perhaps she liked frugal things? Or maybe she was in a hurry and bought the first thing she could grab.

Or, more simply, she just bought something simple and not expensive, seeing how Alex had a bit of a tendency to gamble away everything he had just on the off chance of winning big, she gifted him something that would be worth maybe a few copper coins at best.

A reminder in a way, to make sure he didn't end up without a single dime. 

He gave the item an annoyed look, suddenly not wanting to wear it anymore, but he had to if he wanted to partake in the festival. With a sigh, he finished changing and met with the others downstairs.

"Let's eat lunch out, there's a dish I want you to try, and they only sell it during the festival! Come on!" he got dragged back to The Angry Boar, where by now he had become some sort of celebrity for beating the double slap. He didn't love the attention, but eventually grew accustomed to it, after all, there's nothing negative if they offer him a few free beers.

"What will it be today boys?" the waitress asked in a cheery tone, dressed in a beautiful red outfit that perfectly matched her work uniform.

"We'll all take 'The tyrant king course' thank you" he declared excitedly, making her chuckle as she pulled a small red wooden crown out of her apron and placed it on the table "Coming right up" before quickly disappearing to the kitchen.

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