Castle siege

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"See? I told you we would have the best seats to watch the show, would I ever lie to you?" Lucas bragged as they sat by the edge of a nearby roof that faced straight toward the large square. Alex didn't recall exactly how or when they made it up here, but by this point, he had long given up finding any logical connection in this kingdom.

He didn't know if it was just his weird travel friends or the Colbornians, but neither appeared normal. He shrugged off the thought as he gazed at the large castle below him, his feet dangling mindlessly off the edge. The guards were escorting the children out of the castle while establishing a large perimeter.

"What now?" he asked confused, but Callon just shook his head and grinned "Just watch" he scanned the grounds below, seeing parents dress up their children in fancy clothing, some wore make-shift armors, others showed off long hand-made capes, and others again were dressed in their fluffy pajamas. 

The adults, on the other hand, were all dressed in light battle gear, wielding... wooden swords? He saw some young kids among them as well, not looking a day older than fifteen or so.

"This year's army seems larger than usual, do you think our recruits will be able to keep them at bay?" Callon asked "I think so, don't forget that our Queen never does anything halfheartedly, I'm sure she prepared something to contrast their numbers" he grinned eagerly "Ohhh I can't wait to see what she's got this time! I'm sure it's going to be something amazing! Remember like last year when-" but his incessant ramble was interrupted by Callon, who was quick to shush him "It's starting!"

They all turned their attention to the event, where the children had formed an orderly line by the castle entrance, holding hands in groups of two, while the adults were stationed at the edge of the perimeter the guards had previously established, with wooden swords and bows at hand. 

A singular firework was fired up in the sky, signaling the beginning of the event. And as soon as it went out, the castle began to change, molding together and into a... surprisingly normal-looking castle? Not to mention that the grounds around it were no longer made of the worn-out stony path that made up the square, but mud, grass and dirt, alongside a few dead bushes and small trees here and there.

After a few minutes of silence, a messenger came out, carrying a long scroll, which proceeded to read out loud.

"Citizen of Colborn, we have captured your Queen! She is held hostage in our most secure and well-guarded castle! So lose all hope to rescue her! All that awaits you is death if you do! Surrender at once, and we shall show you mercy!"

Surprisingly, the children shouted a loud "NO!" as soon as the messenger was done, followed by the adults "WE WILL NEVER KNEEL BEFORE YOU! WE'LL SAVE OUR QUEEN AT THE COST OF OUR OWN LIVES IF NECESSARY!" the people behind cheered loudly, causing the messenger to waver "V-very well! So you have chosen death!" before quickly retreating inside the safety of those unsteady walls, lifting the draw bridge and essentially putting the castle under siege. 

"Archers!" one of the soldiers shouted "Lower the bridge!" the archers on the back row loaded their arrows, aiming carefully at the ropes that were keeping the bridge up, quickly snapping them broken and allowing entrance to the "Younger troops", who were quick to shuffle they way in, searching for the Queen.

"Look at them scramble around, they are so adorable! I'll never get tired of watching this" Lucas hummed, glad to see that the children were having fun turning the castle upside-down, despite the quite obvious arrows and signs that pointed the way to where the Queen was held captive.

After a few more minutes, one of the kids found a large button and pressed it, causing a small explosion on one of the towers, revealing the Queen, who was just sitting there on the floor, her hands chained and a large smile on her face "Oh my dear soldiers! Please come rescue me from this scary place!" she begged in a joyful voice, at which the children cheered, hurrying their way inside.

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